To see the emptiness of liberal/Democrat logic, try the following at the next dinner party.
I vote for Ben Carson, am I still guilty of being a racist, considering
the way you hurled that accusation at me when I told you that Obama was
a very bad choice because of his ideology and his acquaintances?
I vote for Carly Fiorina, am I still guilty of a war on women, given
that this woman has broken through the glass ceiling, overcome a deadly
disease, and still come out fighting?
you insist that the federal government fund Planned Parenthood even
after the uncovering of illegal sales of aborted body parts, I am
confused. Wasn't Obamacare supposed to provide universal coverage for
all Americans? Why, then, does the federal government need to continue
funding Planned Parenthood?
you vote for Bernie Sanders, will your house in Chappaqua be available
for the government's use if Sanders decides you have no right to private
property anymore? As Thomas Sowell has opined, "what exactly is [the]
fair share of what someone else has worked for?"
the environmentalists who maintain that we have no right to use trees
to produce paper towels for bathroom use, did you know that "dryers use
electricity which produces a 'carbon footprint' that liberals link to
global warming"?
the way, "if 11 million illegal aliens are supposed to assist the U.S.
economy, why didn't they help the Mexican economy before they left?"
aren't you pounding the table extolling the virtues of Obamacare now
that premiums have skyrocketed, Americans cannot keep their doctors, and
small businesses are threatened with $35,500 in IRS fines for helping
employees with health costs?
the compelling reason why we returned five known terrorists for one
questionable American soldier, but we cannot get back kidnapped
Americans from the Iranians.
a pacifist, you extol the virtues of military reductions. How, then,
should we defend ourselves against ISIS when they promise to invade our
shores and conquer us?
Mr. Obama's immigration policy, where people "can illegally enter and
work for decades without filing income tax returns and then as an extra
bonus have the IRS allow them to qualify for up to $35,000 in tax
racism is a charge that Democrats constantly use, how do you justify
that Al Sharpton, a well-known race-baiter and anti-Semite, is an
advisor to Obama?
If "Obamacare is so great, why do Americans need a law to make them buy it and if they don't comply, they are fined?"
do you explain that "in the United Kingdom where there is a total gun
ban they have the second highest overall crime rate in the European
Union whereas the U.S. is not even in the top ten countries in the world
for violent crime"? These are 2011 FBI Crime Statistics.
D'Souza wonders, as do I, "why liberal tolerance extends to Marxists,
transsexuals, and Islamic radicals – but not to conservatives or
explain why it is fair for Congress and the president to exempt
themselves from Obamacare, but then force it upon the American people.
Hayward has described "ObamaCare [as] so well-written its text must be
ignored, so healthy it's kept alive with exec orders, so affordable
everyone needs subsidies."
logic puzzle for you: "People who say thugs is a racist expression are
making the false assumption that all thugs are black." How do you
rationalize this?
the brouhaha about Baltimore and alleged white racism, did you know
that one half of Baltimore's officers are non-white; the population is
63% black; and the mayor, city council, and police chief are all black.
Yet the depressing state of affairs in Baltimore is somehow about white
know that Democrats evince concern for human rights. But when "Iran
hangs homosexuals and China leads the world in the number of executions
without due process and Saudi Arabia stones women for being raped and
Lebanon exercises apartheid against Palestinians," the only country
singled out for opprobrium is Israel, which extends human rights to all
of the above. Please clarify.
Wasserman-Schultz cannot seem to distinguish between Democrats and
socialists. Might it be because, according to "Saul Alinsky, the way to
create a socialist state is to (a) control healthcare to control the
people; (b) increase the poverty level because poor people are easier to
control; (c) increase the debt to unsustainable levels; (d) remove
people's ability to defend themselves by increased gun control; (e)
divide the people into the wealthy and the poor in order to produce
class warfare"? Obama has successfully accomplished most of these.
Sanders and Clinton promise more of the same.
you know that the federal government now mandates that educators take
training courses to help prevent discrimination and harassment? Under
the heading of "Gender Identity and Expression," one learns that
"[g]ender identity is frequently defined as an individual's internal,
personal sense of being a man, a woman, a transgender person or a
different gender entirely."
Would you please explain what is meant by "different gender entirely"?
the same training, we are informed that "Tangible Employment Actions"
means "that the recipient of the harassment loses pay or experiences
some significant change in workload, assignments, or hours of work."
an adjunct instructor, I have lost hours of work, resulting in a
reduction in salary, and ultimately pension benefits, because Obamacare
has forced my employers to cut my hours. How is this not an abuse by
the federal government?
know that you have a visceral hatred "toward President Nixon[,] but
what's the difference between Nixon and Obama – could it be that the
press uncovered the crimes of one and covered up the crimes of the
an attempt to be affronted by the facts, you will state that only a
small number of Muslims are radical and wish to destroy Western
civilization. If there are a billion Muslims in the world, and 10-25%
avow that they wish to destroy America, that equates to 350,000,000
people. For those visual learners among you, "imagine a bowl of
M&Ms with [only] 10% of them poisoned. Would you eat a handful?"
do you get riled up about the death of a lion but seem to ignore the
"fact that in the 1,400 year history of Islam, Muslims have murdered
over 270 million people" and continue to do so with impunity? They
murder Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Yazidis, and even Muslims
who disagree with them.
time was Obama telling the truth: when he said he could not
unilaterally change the law because that is Congress's job and there is
separation of powers, or when he did unilaterally change the law – all
the while basking in the knowledge that he would be exempt from the
of the above comes from BreitbartOneVoice, Liberal Logic 101,
StandWithUs, RightWingRantsRaves, ThePatriotNation,,
UncleSam', RightFightofLeft, and Jan Morgan.
As George Orwell has said, "the further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those [who] speak it."