Monday, November 24, 2014

Ferguson Prediction

Let's see if my inner-Carnac is working

Ferguson decision will be in 20 minutes

I predict:

1.  Office is Not Guilty.  The physical and eyewitness evidence is contrary to the "demands" of the black community.

2.  The black community will burn Ferguson

3.  The black community will blame the jury for the burning....citing racism of the jury and of the judicial system.

4.  The Republican mayor will be blamed for everything...including anything the National Guard does (never mind the fact that the mayor CANNOT do anything about the National will STILL be his fault)

5.  King Putt the Blamethrower will anounce he is parting the sea and bringing calm to the people, and will issue ANOTHER executive order to rebuild Ferguson...because RACISM.  Where will the money come from?  The Veteran's Administration will take cuts in their budget to compensate the black community of Ferguson.

....let's see how it plays out.

1.  UPDATE:2118/24Nov14 - No indictment of the Officer.....CHECK #1.

2.  UPDATE:0745/25Nov14 - at least 12 business burned to the ground according to news reports.  The TOYS-R-US was looted (seriously?).  The Mini-mart the MB robbed/strongarmed ON VIDEO was the first business attacked (Retribution for being RACIST and having VIDEO proving guilt, I guess).....CHECK #2.

5.  UPDATE:1705p/01Dec2014 - a PARTIAL prediction - KPTB has asked for $263M to rebuild Ferguson.....HALF-FAST CHECK #5.