Tuesday, June 30, 2015


"wee don' need no steenkin badges!"

So...SCOTUS now sez that in order to vote, we don't have to PROVE we are a citizen....or even a HUMAN!


Ok....if the lefty's want it that way....I can play their game too.

I can now register my "animal companions" as voters.........and add to the total of votes coming out of my house.

I only have EIGHTEEN "animal companions" (using the left's terminology)....that means my household gets TWENTY votes instead of TWO. (apparenly SCOTUS sez fish count too now)

I think that's FAIR......don't you?


An STAGGERING pot/kettle

I already know the answer to this, but I still need to bring this to light:  Does this idiot TRULY understand the depth of darkness of the man on the shirt he is wearing?

Monday, June 29, 2015

"Banning the Confederate Flag" BS test


The Dhims want to BAN a 150+ year old symbol of the South because of their agenda....being that ALL SYMBOLS that are against ANYTHING we say....MUST...BE...WIPED....FROM....HISTORY!


Well....if we are truly going to play this FAIR (their favorite four letter word).  Let's do a REALLY SIMPLE test.  Your answers are TRUE or FALSE.

The Republican party was the party of secession.

The Republicans wanted to secede because the Democrats of the North wanted to ban slavery.

The Republicans were the party of slavery.

The Republicans put bounties on Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass.

The Republicans were the party of lynching black folks.

The Republicans were the party of Jim Crow laws.

The Republicans banned the right for freedmen to own guns and bear arms, in effect making it illegal for blacks to own guns because of the color of their skin.  This was to keep the recent freedmen from defending themselves and their families when those same republicans attempted to lynch/burn/kill them.

The Republicans established poll taxes and literacy laws for the right to vote.

The Republicans turned fire hoses on black folks.

The Republicans called out the National Guard to stop black children from attending a white school.

The Republicans voted against the Civil Rights act of 1957.

The Republicans voted against the Civil Rights act of 1960.

The Republicans were overwhelmingling againt the Civil Rights act of 1964.

The Republicans are the party of Eugenicist Margaret Sanger.

The Republicans are the party of Charles Darwin, and his believe that black folks are "savages".

So....there it is...a simple test on the symbols of racism in these United States.

How'd you do?

Did you say TRUE to any of them?

Did you say TRUE to all of them?

So...what you are saying is that this party is what should really be BANNED....right?

Well.....congratulations.....SUCKER!  You obviously haven't read any (Non-revisionist) history....because EVERY ANSWER from above is FALSE.  Swap out Democrats and Republicans in the quiz to get the CORRECT version of history.

I guess now, you are going to say "Nah-Uhh....that's not what my College professors told me".

There is a word for people like that.......Poleznogo Idiot (Useful Idiot)....which is what most sheeple are.....especially to the Dhims.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

I agree....a law that abridges a constitutional right in one state cannot be abridged by another

So....SCOTUS sez that Section 1 of the 14th Amendment make Gay marriage a 50 state rule now...because since it's legal in one state...it's legal in all states...and those 14 states who didn't want to play with the others HAVE TO RECOGNIZE the marriage now.

Amendment XIV

Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

And...KPTB NATURALLY needed to boast by called the ruling a "victory for America."  and that it would "end the patchwork system we currently have" and the uncertainty gay couples face over whether their unions will be recognized in other states.

Here's a couple of things that are waiting in the wings:

1.  How long until this is used as a battering ram against ANY church that cites the 1st Amendment in order to not marry two gay people?  And, any bets that the "tax free status" will be dangled in front of the church?

2.  So...when will two loving people of the same sex ask an Imam to marry them? .......crickets.....crickets.......crickets.

3.  Since this is now considered a RIGHT (which means it's only a right as long as it doesn't do anything of harm to another person while exercising it, and there is no "requirement" to exercise it....at least according to the left)...how long until this is used to shut down a mom-and-pop cake maker/photographer/caterer/whatever?

anyone want to bet it won't be very long?

getting back to KPTB's boasting...he's happy..........for now....because he get's to stick his thumb into the eye of his enemy (anyone who doesn't ABSOLUTELY agree with him)..........but this ruling also sez something else that I'm pretty sure KPTB ISN'T going to like very well.

as of yesterday, we now have NATIONAL RECIPROCITY...because....if it's legal in one state....it's legal in all states.

Want to argue with me?....fine.

So basically, your argument with me is that, and I QUOTE THE RULING: "The fundamental liberties guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause extend to certain personal choices central to individual dignity and autonomy, including intimate choices defining personal identity and beliefs" means that same sex marriage is ok because that's a personal choice, identity, and belief, but my right to carry a tool of self-defense as a personal choice, identity, and belief is not?

Seriously...you want to say that?

Friday, June 26, 2015

but...but..but...I was told by my professor.....

....that R8cism only exists in the SOUTH....and...and....it's...it's...."because" of the Rebel Flag....so we must BAAAAAANNN the Rebel Flag to stop all those R8cist southern rednecks!!!


well....well....isn't this IN-ter-rest-ing....no?


article is from 2009!!!


Monday, June 22, 2015

A well regulated...

A well-educated Electorate, being necessary to self-governance in a free State, the right of the people to keep and read Books, shall not be infringed.
In consideration to this statement, could any honest person read it and believe that it suggests that the government has the right to restrict access to books, should it find that your having books is a danger to you and others?

The LSM would NEVER INTENTIONALLY frame a photo....

Sure....and if you believe that, I've got a bridge in NYC to sell you....real cheap.

So....the AP would never frame a photograph to mislead the sheeple....would they?

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Charleston SC

I'm sure that all the BS networks are blaring this every 6 minutes on the "hate crime" that happened last night in Charleston SC.

So....20-something white kid goes into a black M/E church and shoots at least 9 people dead.

The "dancing in the blood" Bloomberg, Schmuker, KPTB, Mom's-who-demand-icky-guns-are-evil, Brady-bots. etc are instantly overjoyed because of this....time to push their anti-constitutional agenda on the sheeple.....in 4, 3, 2, 1.....

A couple of things:

Why is this already called a "hate crime"?   Because the perp was white and the victims are black?

Why is it that when it's white-on-black it's a HC...but when it's black-on-black, white-on-white, or black-on-white....it isn't? (yes I know the reason why)

Since the pastor was also a State Senator....how long will it take for the media to say that the pastor was the "intended target" and the rest were collateral damage?

How long will it take for the idiocracy that is now the LSM to ask the po-po the stupid questions like: "How did he get the gun?"..."which manufacturer of the gun was it, so we can blast it out for the families to bring a lawsuit?"...."Is he a member of that church?" ....."Is he a Tea-bagger?"....."Is he a right-winger?"

Prediction:  It will take about 48 hours or less for some or all of those questions to come up.

Any bets the kid either is a Ritalin-kid....got dumped by a girl from the church, didn't get a job or a slot in the college in Charleston (maybe because of Affirm-Action), or has been under treatment for a mental condition of some sort that is PC not to bring up?

Prediction:  It will be kept under the rug if it is.

What if this kid turns out to be of the Muslim-faith?  Then what's the media going to say?

oh...and one more thing,

Dylann Storm Roof.

Any bets the kid's parents are NOT tea-partiers and did not vote RED in the last elections?

"Why would you make such a claim?"

Too Easy!!!

First name: Dylann.  How many "right-wingers" spell their kids name A-B-normally?

Middle name: How many "right-wingers" give their kids middle names like "Sunny" or "Rain" or "Storm"?

hmmm.....if it is "discovered" by the LSM that they are "right of center".....how long until that is blasted on the front pages....and if they are LEFT of center....do you think the LSM will report it? ....or will it get buried?


What does this have in common with almost every other "mass shooting" in the US?


UPDATE 1: Jun 18 2015, 1100:

A couple of items in the news so far (other than what I predicted above)

Kid is from Columbia....a bit of a drive to Charleston.

Aparently he's been thru the system before on drug charges (shocking...I know).  His profile says he's about 120 lbs....at 5'9"...that's awful thin (as in meth-head thin)

Apparently a lot of his FB "friends" are either black or black-in-a-white's-body....so I think the "racist" card might have been played too soon.

UPDATE: Jun 19 2015, 0700

Wow...didn't take long for Salon to crank out an article blaming the "right-wing extremist WHITES"...and by an author named "DeVega"....hmmm....pretty sure he's NOT white.  What would happen IF I wrote a similar article and just substitued BLACK for every time he wrote WHITE...why I'd be instantly labeled as a RACIST H8R!!!! (If liberals didn't have double-standards...they wouldn't have standards at all)

Also,  A kid walks into a church....sits for an HOUR with the pastor by asking for him BY NAME...then pulls out a TOOL (called a gun) and proceeds to execute 9 people....so what does our DEAR LEADER KPTB do....the only thing he knows how to do (Which AIN'T leading):

"we don't have all the facts yet BUT, (and anything before but, when it comes to a lefty, is a smokescreen)

"Once Again," (I bet he wagged his finger when he said this too, meaning:  You great unwashed peasants can't think for yourselves so I have to remind you again how stupid you people are)

"it was BECAUSE someone had no trouble getting their hands on a gun".

Now....if someone says that a bad thing happened BECAUSE of a TOOL...that person is either an idiot or a deviant (sometimes both)....you choose which one KPTB is.

it's also obvious that this man also lives in a bubble of his own reality when he makes a statement of "gun violence like this DOESN'T HAPPEN in other countries"


"Other countries"  with TOUGHER GUN CONTROL LAWS don't have "gun violence like this"?

Ummmm.....Charlie Hebdo?....anyone?....anyone?
Ummmm.....Kenya Mall Massacre?....anyone?.....anyone?
Ummmm....Var Krog Och Bar in Sweden?.....anyone?.....anyone?

this man is so out of touch with reality, it's scary that he has access to the red button.