Friday, July 31, 2015

WP Defined

Saw a post today on smallestminority today about WP

and I "fixed" it to meet my world:

White Privilege: being held responsible for someone else's ancestors actions by blacks who refuse to accept the actions of their children.

I refuse to take responsibility for actions of past generations, particularly when my ancestors were on the OTHER SIDE of any of the "discussions" of how "whitey" owned blacks.

You want to call me a racist.....that's funny....that means you REALLY don't know me very well and that you are a moron.

Shrillary gave copies of her email to her lawyer?

So apparently, Shrillary the Annointed, has been "found to be lying" about classified data on her "personal server" mean she "lied"?

So what does the liar (try spelling Hillary without the word liar) do....she gives copies of her emails to her lawyer.

well....guess what?

18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material

(a) Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.

again.....she should be wearing an orange jumpsuit and making little rocks out of big rocks

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Racist?...nah...couldn't be

Trayvon Martin, "innocent child", killed by a white latino: funeral attended by KPTB's administration

Michael Brown, "huggable teddy bear", killed by being "shot in the back" by an obviously racist cop: funeral attended by KPTB's administration

Freddie Gray, "innocent runner from police for not-doin-nuttin", killed by Baltimore cops with a transport vehicle: funeral attended by KPTB's administration

Kate Steinle, a TRUE innocent killed by a TRUE repeated criminal with a stolen gun: KPTB too busy to even mention her, let alone send anyone to attend her funeral.

nothing to see here citizen, move along

Monday, July 27, 2015

I'm sure there is NO LINK to the Iranian Nuke Deal

stole this from blue

Tell me if you've heard this before

It's called "Crisis Strategy"  (as in "never let a good one). It seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.  The Strategy is so that a "new" system can replace the "obviously failed" system.

"cadres of aggressive organizers" to use "demonstrations to create a climate of militancy."

a guaranteed living income for all  (AKA: a "living wage")

overwhelm the system:

- increase the welfare state and create a "right" to welfare....create a dependency class

- increase the unemployment roles....create a dependency class

- create a government health system for all...create a dependency class

- pit class against class

- pit race against race

 - remove barriers of statehood definition (no borders)

- mandate a right for all to vote with no verification process (ACORN anyone?....illegals voting anyone?)

When mayhem ensues....step in and say "the capitalist system has OBVIOUSLY failed"...and pitch a Socialist Utopian replacement.

....sound familiar? 

Friday, July 24, 2015

CNN's "mass shooters" story

Was perusing the dark side for some info on the Louisiana Shooter and found this story

They do the typical "WHHHHHHYYYYY" but i found something interesting about all they showed on the slide show.

Dylan Roof - parents Dhims, hated Christians - obviously a Tea Partier

Adam Lanza : Registered Dhim, hated Christians - obviously a Tea Partier

James Holmes: Registered Dhim, worked on Obama Campaign, OWS member - obviously a Tea Partier

Jared Loughner - Repeated Crazy, registered as a Dhim - obviously a Tea Partier

Seung Hui Cho (VA Tech): Sent repeated hatemail to the Bush Adminstration - obviously a Tea Partier

Aaron Alexis (DC Navy Yard) - Registered Dhim, loved KPTB - obviously a Tea Partier

Harris and Klebold (Columbine): both kiddies parents were progressive liberal dhims -  obviously Tea Partiers

hmmm......methinks there is a patern forming here

Louisiana, July 23rd

So....without going into a lot of "unexpecteds" is my Carnac on what's going to come out of the media.

Shooter was a white guy
Shooter was from "the south" with airfingers.....of course
Shooter was a "conservative"....since his TWO internet postings from 2013 sez so.
Shooter was a christian....see the TWO comment above


the media will unequivocally say that "the reason" why he,... AND EVERY OTHER SOUTHERN CHRSITIAN WHO OWNS A GUN....did this is BECAUSE he was "a southern conservative" with airfingers of course.

.....anyone wanna bet?


isn't it interesting that the LSM:

STILL doesn't know WHY Aziz shot up the recruiting station in Chata-noo-gee

STILL doesn't know WHY the two cops were assassinated in their car in NYC

STILL doesn't know WHY the Tsarnev brothers "did what they did" in bahhston

STILL doesn't know WHY Nidal Hasan shot up Fort Hood

STILL doesn't know WHY the dude in Ohhhh-kla-homa cut off the head of a co worker.

but....they know, before the blood is even dry enough for them to dance on,


isn't that A-MAY-ZING?

oh....and "surprise surprise surprise" was in a "GUN FREE ZONE".....imagine that?

UPDATE: July 24th at 550p out on the shooter on Gatewaypundit that I find "interesting"

He's not from LA...but from Phenix City Ala-bamy

He's a registered Dhim and an OBAMA SUPPORTER who supposedly worked on the 2008 AND 2012 campaigns for OFA, and supposedly, was working for the Clinton Campaign (Whoops....that means this story will quickly die away...nothing to see here citizen.....move along)

He FAILED a Background Check for the weapon and had mental issues...which means the gun was "Illegal".....again.....nothing to see here citizen.....move along.

He had a MANIFESTO....i guess that means he wasn't a Tea Partier, either......nothing to see here citizen, move along.

UPDATE: July's the latest in the LSM on this?


Nothing about him being a Conservative/Southern Redneck.......hmmm!!

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their ineptitude. Conversely, highly skilled individuals tend to underestimate their relative competence, erroneously assuming that tasks that are easy for them are also easy for others.
David Dunning and Justin Kruger of Cornell University have postulated that the effect is the result of internal illusion in the unskilled, and external misperception in the skilled: "The miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others."

Dunning-Kruger syndrome has been understood largely as a workplace phenomenon, but let me posit that it is a powerful factor in politics:

Incompetent, low-value people constantly imagine themselves to be smarter than they are, and smarter than other people generally, and believe that other people require their (incompetent) guidance in a nearly limitless number of lifestyle choices.

"I am the one people have been waiting for"

In fact, the people who assert that they are smarter than others, and thus must lend their competency and intellect to others, are in fact among the stupidest, most incompetent, and least useful people in existence.


An expert is someone who gets called upon to offer his expertise. He is usually a highly paid person. His consultancy is highly sought-after.

If you are the sort of person who believes she has an "expertise" in an area, but, strangely enough, finds themself always having to force this expertise upon other people, rather than being approached by them for it: You are almost certainly an incompetent, useless, stupid person, who has very little actual value, but whose value has been inflated and overestimated by your own poorly-informed, low-competency ego.

Thus, even your estimation of self is, as is all other things about you, incompetent.

The Idiot and the Expert have one thing in common: They both have lots and lots of opinions.

The easiest way to tell the Idiot from the Expert -- you don't even bother to have to listen to their opinions this way -- is to determine if anyone is seeking those opinions out, or if that person is contriving new ways to inflict those opinions upon unwilling strangers.

If you're pushing your unsolicited opinions on strangers, and have to resort to the tools of coercion to make yourself heard: Guess what, Idiot?

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Great Leader

The Great Leader (TGL) rises to power above the fray, appearing to be the champion of the masses by manipulating the emotions of the less-educated populus.  TGL is viewed as having superior intelect because of the ability to speak well in public.

TGL increases his power by exploiting the racial guilt of the masses.

TGL creates a strawman/scapegoat as the reason why he must be all powerful, so that he may control that same strawman/scapegoat.

This rise of power creates turmoil in the masses, which further drives TGL to demand MORE POWER to control the masses.

The legislative branch of government caves to TGL and hands the power of the legislative to the executive with no arguement.

TGL slowly has created a regime of totalitarian power, where those that disagree with TGL must be punished and FORCED to comply with the party line, else they be destroyed financially and publically ridiculed.

Gee.........which TGL am I talking about?

If you said "could" be correct.

But I was describing the administrations of history that KPTB seems to want to emulate

and of course,

Isn't it funny how the first administration you thought of was the current one, and yet, I was talking about one of the others?

It's almost as if World History is no longer taught to the Sheeple of American and they can't see what is happening.

.........nah,,,,,it couldn't be that.

Friday, July 17, 2015

So whose side is he on?


Yesterday, Mohammad Youssef Abdul Azizz (I'm sure he was a Mennonite)  goes and shoots up two Recruiting Stations (Gun Free Zones)....and KPTB sez it's a lone shooter and refuses to acknowledge his religion.

Last month, a shooter goes into a church in South Carolina (another Gun Free Zone)....and KPTB immediately sez it's the fault of guns, Christians,  and White Southerner Society....of course this also means that it's the flags fault.

now.....tell me again what side he's on?

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Do not attempt to adjust your dial

Hmmm......seems I heard KPTB say the exact same thing recently about Iran.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

So it's OK to have a Sanctuary City?


According to KPTB and the rest of the Dhims.....It's not OK for a state (Arizona) to enforce Federal law, but it IS OK for a city (S.F.) to disregard Federal law?  Is that how this is played now?


So by their own rules, I recommend that from this point on....any city that so decides, can arbitrarily ignore ANY Federal law.....sound good to you to?

No more Federal stamps for "other" weapons.

No more Federal tax "contributions" (SS, FICA, whatever)

No more Roe_v_Wade requirements

No more ACA "contributions"

No more ADA requirements

No more EPA requirements

No more "light bulb" requirements

No more.  If the party of the left wants to embrace selective interpretation of a law...then we can too.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

What state of mind is this person in?

I'm going to give you two quotes from the same person.  The first one says that "one" doesn't do ANYTHING on their own.

The same person also says that "I" did everything.

...ok....which one is it dude?

first one:

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

and now, the second one:

When I take an unemployment rate of 10 percent down to 5.5 percent, when I drive the uninsured rate to the lowest it’s ever been, when I restore people’s 401(k)s.”

So "somebody else made that happen" and "I did it all myself" out of the same mouth

....of course....for me to even bring this up MUST BE R8CIST.....right?

keep in mind that this is the same person that exploited the death of a pastor when they said that " 'love' and 'God's grace' is when you agree with me."

....this person is such an unbelievable narcissist, it's hard to truly imagine what color the sky is in their world

.....probably black, but I digress........

Saturday, July 4, 2015


The same people who told us 30 years ago that “marriage is just a stupid piece of paper” now insist that it’s a “human right.”

The same people who told us that “a flag is just a meaningless piece of material” now want certain flags banned and others raised — or else.

The same people who say you can’t change who you want to f*ck tell us you CAN change the bits you f*ck them with.

The same people who said “Hey, if you don’t like it, change the channel” now run and try to ban Ann Coulter et al from campuses.

The same people who used to tell us to “lighten up” and “learn to take a joke” now fire people who make them.

LITERALLY the same people.

If we’re “crazy,” they made us that way.

lifted from FFoF

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Can't operate a FAX MACHINE.........deserves to be handed the keys to the White House


let me make sure I got this right.

This woman can't operate a Fax that is ANCIENT (kinda like her).

She doesn't understand how to set up more than one email account on a crackberry

She can't make up her mind on ANYTHING political....she flip flops on everything based on the direction of the wind

is recycling Political thought from 1993 (IOW her husband's platform)

and yet, she expects the sheeple to just hand her the keys to the football (that's the bag with the nuclear codes in it)?


5 tenants of propaganda

1. The rule of simplification: reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.
2. The rule of disfiguration: discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.
3. The rule of transfusion: manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one’s own ends.
4. The rule of unanimity: presenting one's viewpoint as if it is the unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people; including drawing doubting individuals into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, social pressure and by ‘psychological contagion, aka psy-ops.
5. The rule of orchestration: endlessly repeating the same message; in different variations and combinations."

Now ask yourself: "Self....who does this remind me of?"