Friday, July 24, 2015

CNN's "mass shooters" story

Was perusing the dark side for some info on the Louisiana Shooter and found this story

They do the typical "WHHHHHHYYYYY" but i found something interesting about all they showed on the slide show.

Dylan Roof - parents Dhims, hated Christians - obviously a Tea Partier

Adam Lanza : Registered Dhim, hated Christians - obviously a Tea Partier

James Holmes: Registered Dhim, worked on Obama Campaign, OWS member - obviously a Tea Partier

Jared Loughner - Repeated Crazy, registered as a Dhim - obviously a Tea Partier

Seung Hui Cho (VA Tech): Sent repeated hatemail to the Bush Adminstration - obviously a Tea Partier

Aaron Alexis (DC Navy Yard) - Registered Dhim, loved KPTB - obviously a Tea Partier

Harris and Klebold (Columbine): both kiddies parents were progressive liberal dhims -  obviously Tea Partiers

hmmm......methinks there is a patern forming here