Tuesday, July 19, 2016

"His motives are not known"

Apparently (rather blatantly) this is the phrase that the "smarter than us" crowd now uses whenever they can't admit that someone is what they say they are.  Examples:

-  The axe wielding "17" year old afghani in Germany who screamed "admiral akbar" on the train ....."The attacker's motive is not yet known"

-  The truck driver in Nice who screamed "admiral akbar" as he plowed thru the crowd before some good-guys-with-guns stopped the attack.

              "His motives are not known"

- The POS in Dallas who picked off the po-po intentionally while screaming "I hate white people" and "I wanna kill cops"

              "His motives are not known"

The fish in a barrel shooter in Orlando who screamed "admiral akbar" while he popped off rounds from NOT AN AR!!! and called the media during the attack to say "it's me doing this and I am doing it for Islam!!"

               "His motives are not known"

We now add this phrase to the growing list of newspeak that the "smarter than us" crowd likes to use....kinda like a "DRINK" word

just like "BUT" and  "LET ME BE CLEAR".