Saturday, January 31, 2015

Why we will not back down

I actually got this from a comment from doncline on gunfreezone ...but it is an awesome quote:
Being compelled to undergo an interrogation under criminal sanction, and a search, in the absence of probable cause of wrongdoing is a violation of our Fourth Amendment right to be secure from search and/or seizure in the absence of probable cause of criminal conduct. The purchase or transfer of a firearm is not criminal conduct.
Being compelled to complete an illegal interrogation and search is not due process and therefore a compelled background check is a violation of our right to due process.
Both are a violation of our Tenth Amendment right to be secure from the federal exercise of power not delegated by the U.S. Constitution, and our Tenth Amendment right to be secure from the State exercise of power prohibited to the States by the U.S. Constitution (e.g., the Second Amendment).
Like Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, the Brady Campaign, and anyone else advocating or supporting or voting for any kind of a government process requiring permission to exercise a right. Shannon Watts is a subversive and an insurrectionist against our Constitutional form of government. Her purpose, like theirs, is not to reduce crime; her purpose is to render our Bill of Rights irrelevant and moot, and that makes her. and them, enemy agents of the United States Constitution.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Carnac on SOTU


I haven't seen or heard anything on last night's SOTU....but let me see if my Carnac is functioning

1.  KPTB was pompous, arrogant, and Narcisistic.  He used "I" a lot!
2.  He didn't say a damn thing about the Terrorist threat and if he did, he used a variant of "they are on the run"
3.  Tax increases for the wealthy, so that they will pay "their FAIR share"
4.  Two or three sob stories about "the people" and "how they need OUR HELP"
5.  He will take credit for anything positive (despite his policies)
6.  He won't bring up anything negative (BECAUSE of his policies)'d I do?

Update: 22 Jan 15/345p

1.  Nailed it, Nailed it, and Nailed it.  And Nailed it!

2.  He sorta did a "they are on the run" while at the same time, the Navy is standing by to evac the Yemeni Embassy....ain't Schadenfreude great?

3.  Nailed it.

4.  Not only did I Nail's even richer.  First: He apparently has hired  John Francis Bongiovi, Jr. to help write his narratives and....The chicky in the narrative he chose to demonstrate the need for MORE government programs IS A DEMOCRAT STAFFER!!!!    Doh!  I guess KPTB couldn't find any more styrofoam columns, so he used a Dhim flunky instead.

5.  He took credit for Gas prices.

6.  He didn't say a damn thing about the huge increase of foodstamp recipients. He didn't say a damn thing about the labor force participation rate falling....hmmm....wonder why?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What PC is

Political Correctness is the incremental degradation of Free Speech into Fear Speech.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Why would you want a "silencer" on your gun? evil right wing H8TR!!!

So the hoplo's have a panty-fit about "silencers" (yeah..I know...only el-stupidohs think that suppressors are "silencers")

So I guess the owner of this one (which is WAY COOL by the way and I'd LOVE to have one on my '94) MUST BE a Raaaaaciiizzt Right wing H8TR....right?

A full look at Theodore Roosevelt's 1894 Winchester lever action rifle


he isn't....

oh well....I guess the hoplos hafta find some other H8TR out there......

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Paris and Nigeria

OK.....Paris is in every journalist's wheelhouse right now.   Why?  Because the people that Journalists bend over backwards to say "aren't violent".....went violent on about a dozen journalists.  Shocking!!!

What I find "humorous" (if that's the right word for it), is there is little (actually crickets) talk about the police.

Doesn't the left always say to call 911 rather than use a gun for defensive purposes?
Doesn't the left always say the police are there to "protect us"?  (Yeah...I know...they don't)
What about the rage the left had with "Hands Up Don't Shoot"?  The left is rather quiet about the fact that the policeman in Paris did that and what happened?...oh yeah....bullet to the head.  Oh well.

And isn't it interesting that the left isn't saying a DAMN THING about the 2000 or so dead in Nigeria because of Boko Haram.  I thought "black lives matter".  (again....crickets....Hmmmmm)

How come Hitlary doesn't have any comments?   Wasn't she the Smartest SecState we EVAH-HAD?

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Re-post the image...we must not submit

I'm doing my part.............please continue this to tell the POS's that did the Paris attack today.....Fuck  you!

Paris is what happens when you "feel" instead of think.

Paris is what happens when you create a "gun free zone".

Paris is what happens when you "make deals" and appease.  They see the appeasement as weakness.

Paris is what happens when you provide "Financial Security" so that these animals "don't get mad at us".

Paris is what happens when your world view is that "we can have peaceful communications with them".

Paris is what happens when your leadership only knows how to send a strongly worded letter, and rather than ACTUALLY do something actionable, do a speech from a teleprompter and get a Nobel peace prize.

Paris is what happen when you embrace Political Correctness and multiculturalism.  When you have a society as a whole that no longer feels the need for INclusion, but instead embraces REclusion (as in the "no-go zones" of Paris, this is the outcome.

Paris is coming to NYC, DC, LA, Chicago or Detroit (Blue cities) and will probably originate out of Dearborn.

To our Dear Leader, KPTB:  Is THIS another case of workplace violence?

from PJ:
Today’s terror attack on Charlie Hedbo, the irreverent French satirical magazine that was one of the few media outlets in France to publish the original “Mohammed cartoons,” is an attempt by Islamic fundamentalists to enforce shari’aw worldwide, even on non-Muslims.
We must not let them succeed.
Self-censoring out of fear means self-imposition of shari’a (Islamic law).
Self-censoring out of “respect” (actually just a euphemism for fear) means you are submitting to the terrorists’ worldview.
The way to overcome them in this instance is to overwhelm them with disrespect and mockery.
They can silence one magazine, but they can’t silence the entire Internet.
Every blogger, of every political stripe, be it left, right, and everywhere in between, needs to realize that freedom of speech and freedom of the press are the two keystones of your ideology, whatever it may be. You need to make a stand. You need to make these terrorists lose the ideological battle.
And the way to do that is to republish the Mohammed cartoons yourselves. Today. Right now.
Fill the world with images of Mohammed so that the terrorists realize they can never expunge them all.

and BRAVO to VOX for their publishing: your part and repeat...repeat...repeat!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Great article on the "victim of bad words" mentality that is overtaking our country

Apparently, I am NOT the only Murican Veteran that sees the wussification of These United States:

So, for all of you "I've been traumatized by anything, send me a trauma-counselor to help me have a life" idiots out there:

If you've never had to embrace the suck.....fuck you......grow a pair, you wimp.

My favorite part is what Chris saves for the end:

"But nobody, nobody, should censor themselves to protect you from your pathological, and pathologically stupid, sensitivities."