Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"Wars have begun that way Mr Ambassador!!"

This is not a good scenario....thank you KPTB so very much for being a limp wristed "lead from behind" naive, man-child, moron.

now.....if you read the ClintonNewsNetwork story, you might think "so what".


let me "splain" something to you.

If you didn't know the quote that is the title of this post, you are obviously under the age of 35.  It's a quote from "The Hunt for Red October".  Now in the story, it's US Naval ships and Russian Naval ships operating in the same "theater"

This time it's US Aircraft and Russian Aircraft operating in visual range of each other.  A much scarier proposition.  Keep in mind that these aircraft are fully locked and cocked.  Now what happens if one of those 20-somethings lets one loose?  The title of the post says it all.

Now, having been in the Army DURING the cold war (and I've got my little "certificate" to prove it), I've got some "intimate" experience with having the Russians as our "enemy"....I've actually got some stories for those with the appropriate clearance.  I am actually scared of what KPTB has gotten us into.  Let's just say that some of my Army memories aren't all "HHJJ".

Monday, October 12, 2015

A "head doctor" describes a world leader

To whom is it the good doctor is describing?

best described as a “pathological liar.” If these people do not start out directly as deceivers, they are the sort of idealists who are always in love with their own ideas and who anticipate their aims by presenting their wish-fantasies partly as easily attainable and partly as having been attained, and who believe these obvious lies themselves. In order to realize their wish-fantasies no means is too bad for them, just because they believe they can thereby attain their beloved aim. They “believe” they are doing it for the benefit of humanity, or at least of the nation or their party, and cannot under any circumstances see that their aim is invariably egoistic. Since this is a common failing, it is difficult for the layman to recognize such cases as psychopathic. Because only a convinced person is immediately convincing (by psychic contagion), he exercises as a rule a devastating influence on his contemporaries. Almost everybody is taken in by him.

How could this “psychopath” influence whole nations to such an extent?

If his maniacal wish-system is a socio-political one, and if it corresponds to the pet ideas of a majority, it produces a psychic epidemic that swells like an avalanche. The majority of the -- people were discontented and hugged feelings of revenge and resentment born of their national inferiority complex and identified themselves with the underdogs.

Do you consider his contemporaries, who executed his plans, equally “psychopathic”?

Suggestion works only when there is a secret wish to fulfil it. Thus he was able to work on all those who compen sated their inferiority complex with social aspirations and secret dreams of power. As a result he collected an army of social misfits, psychopaths, and criminals around him, to which he also belonged. But at the same time he gripped the unconscious of normal people, who are always naïve and fancy themselves utterly innocent and right. The majority of normal people (quite apart from the 10 per cent or so who are inferior) are ridiculously unconscious and naïve and are open to any passing suggestion. So far as lack of adaptation is a disease, one can call a whole nation diseased. But this is normal mass psychology; it is a herd phenomenon, like panic. The more people live together in heaps, the stupider and more suggestible the individual becomes.

....anyone, anyone?

excerpted from:
(Jung, C. W. vol. 18, pp. 604-605)

Friday, October 9, 2015

Media Narrative Chart to "frame" gun stories

I stole this from Ricochet

to stop "gun violence"

....and so, in order to protect the citizenry, the executive has declared that his men shall go thru the countryside and confiscate all the small arms of the citizens sujects in order to ensure their safety and to ensure that the "extremists" would not be able to retaliate against his orders. To do this he ordered warrantless searches of the citizens subjects papers and property, in an attempt to "find" evidence.  He banned his citizens subjects from meetings of large groups of men, such as town meetings, from happening no more than once in a year.  He placed armed guards in the citizen's subject's homes to "protect" them from the "extremists".

Now.....having just read my brief diatribe (strikeouts are intentional,  I assure you).  Which executive am I describing?

Well....that depends.  If you are a LIV who attended a "public" school, you would "like...I don't know" be clueless, since you can't take your face away from your Iphone74.

If you are somewhat attentive, you'd probably say it was KPTB (which is funny, because he REALLY IS considering this stuff)

In reality,

Gov Thomas Gage, Sep 1774 thru Apr 1776

These "orders" sparked the "shot heard round the world" and the creation of the Bill of Rights.  So when you have a lefty try to "school" you on the National Guard BS, you have some understanding of WHERE the Bill of Rights was ACTUALLY born from.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Couldn't agree more

I do find it interesting that Shrilary wants to expand disarmament of the people on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian

Friday, October 2, 2015

KPTB: "absolutely clear"

Translated: I am lying through my teeth.

“I just want to be absolutely clear, O.K.? I just don’t want any misunderstanding when you all go home and you talk with your buddies, and they say, ‘Oh, he wants to take my gun away.’ You heard it here, and I’m on television, so everybody knows. I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in people’s lawful right to bear arms. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won’t take your handgun away.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Oregon...... GFZ again


Another GFZ shooting.....hudathunk? (and UNEXPECTEDLY...the college's "safety page" is down....good thing we've got a wayback machine for when these things UNEXPECTEDLY happen.

What is so amazing is that NOT EVEN 6 hours (the time it takes to even START the investigative process) and KPTB is already making a speech about how we "need more gun control".

Interestingly enough, in a 12 minute speech...he mentions himself 28 times!


The PoPo have just started, you want to instantly say we need more GC, and you are such a narcisist you have to mention yourself TWENTY EIGHT TIMES in TWELVE minutes? make my point so abundantly clear....KPTB evokes past shootings

"We talked about this after Columbine, and Blacksburg, after Tucson, after Newtown, after Aurora, after Charleston."

  Thank you for pointing this out sir.....Columbine=GFZ, Blacksburg=GFZ, Aurora=GFZ, Newtown=GFZ,  Charleston=GFZ, and now Rosenburg....a GUN FREE ZONE.  KPTB is calling for MORE of the madness...not less!....WHAT A Petulant little man!


What type of person asks someone what their "faith" is in order to determine if they are going to execute them?  Hmmm...methinks a memory about a mall in Africa comes to mind.

KPTB used "mental illness" in the description of the shooter.....translated....he's either a follower of Mohammed or he is "not white".  (remember Chattanooga?)

.....let's see how this plays out.

UPDATE: 02 Oct 2015/1000

Well...well....some interesting tidbits are starting to show up, some of which will probably NOT show up on ABS/NBS/CBS:

1. Rosenburg/Umpqua CO-INK-E-DINK-LY is the HS/College that Alex Scarlatos (one of the French-Jihadi-Train-Stoppers) is from.......Hmmmm....I wonder how the college was selected as a target.  In fact, Mr Scarlatos, had he not been filming Dancing With The Stars on Thursday, would have been IN CLASS in the college.

2.  Shooters MySpace page has two "connections" is of a Jihadi Sympathizer (well....until HIS MySpace page "unexpectedly" disappears that is) ...just in case....I've got a screenshot for ya' for when it goes bye-bye.

3.  Shooters dating site has been updated NINE TIME AFTER HE WAS KILLED BY POLICE. does one update their dating sight after they have died?  What items "changed" after he was killed?

4.  Shooter was a BLM supporter.  Shooter was a "fanboy" of the TV news shooter in Roanoke.

5.  Shooter was a supporter of IRA (that's Irish Republican Army for those of you who went to Government Scrools...and the "Republican" meaning in Ireland is 180 degrees out of definition to the "Republican" meaning in the United States.)

6.  Shooter is from same town (I know...another CO-INK-E-DINK) as Adam Yahiye Gadahn.  There couldn't POSSIBLY be a connection....could there?

UPDATE: 04 Oct 15/0830

LSM is all abuzz about the Republican Killer of Christians.....oh wait......nevermind.