Sunday, November 30, 2014

A wise man once said "you can't fix stupid"

And I whole heartedly agree.

I stole this from Ace....but it shows how utterly STUPID the hoplo's truly are"

High rate of fire.jpg

Full Auto.jpg


Monday, November 24, 2014

Ferguson Prediction

Let's see if my inner-Carnac is working

Ferguson decision will be in 20 minutes

I predict:

1.  Office is Not Guilty.  The physical and eyewitness evidence is contrary to the "demands" of the black community.

2.  The black community will burn Ferguson

3.  The black community will blame the jury for the burning....citing racism of the jury and of the judicial system.

4.  The Republican mayor will be blamed for everything...including anything the National Guard does (never mind the fact that the mayor CANNOT do anything about the National will STILL be his fault)

5.  King Putt the Blamethrower will anounce he is parting the sea and bringing calm to the people, and will issue ANOTHER executive order to rebuild Ferguson...because RACISM.  Where will the money come from?  The Veteran's Administration will take cuts in their budget to compensate the black community of Ferguson.

....let's see how it plays out.

1.  UPDATE:2118/24Nov14 - No indictment of the Officer.....CHECK #1.

2.  UPDATE:0745/25Nov14 - at least 12 business burned to the ground according to news reports.  The TOYS-R-US was looted (seriously?).  The Mini-mart the MB robbed/strongarmed ON VIDEO was the first business attacked (Retribution for being RACIST and having VIDEO proving guilt, I guess).....CHECK #2.

5.  UPDATE:1705p/01Dec2014 - a PARTIAL prediction - KPTB has asked for $263M to rebuild Ferguson.....HALF-FAST CHECK #5.

Friday, November 21, 2014


2008: “The biggest problems that we’re facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m president of the United States of America.”

Gee.....I wish this guy would run for president or something so that he can do this....oh...wait!

A parable

Six months ago, I returned home to discover a family had moved into my backyard storage shed. Displaying an incredible sense of entitlement and off the chain arrogance, the family refused to leave, arguing they were simply seeking a better life. Adding insult to injury, their TV, computers and etc were powered by an electrical cord plugged into the exterior outlet of my home.

Infuriated, I immediately sought help from law enforcement to remove the squatters from my property. After inquiring about the race of my intruders, law enforcement accused me of racism. Law enforcement declined to assist me. I yelled, “These people are breaking the law! What about my rights as a property owner?”
Law Enforcement scolded me, “Don’t try to hide your racism behind the law!”

I returned home frustrated to witness more of the trespasser’s family and friends setting up residency in my backyard. One invader brought an old piece of crap RV. My Home Owner’s Association is fining me daily until its removal. There are tents and people living in an old Chevy station-wagon; all powered by a dangerous poor imitation of a MacGyver style electrical hookup into my power including a maze of electrical cords.

To stop further invasion, armed buddies volunteered to secure my fence, take turns keeping watch. Local media caught wind of my buddies sympathetic generous offer and branded them an angry racist mob of vigilantes. Law enforcement threatened my buddies with arrests if they intervened in any way.

With city elections only a few months away, the mayor showed up at my home with fruit baskets for the invaders. His honor assured the invaders that he supported their honorable pursuit of a better life 100% and would not tolerate the “racist” property owner (me), evicting them. After the thunderous applause subsided, the mayor’s assistant made sure each invader filled out a voter registration form which he collected before the mayor and his entourage departed.

So, here I am. My monthly electric bill has tripled. Cited for code violations, I was forced to install more outlets and electrical power. My backyard landscape with my wife’s prize-winning flower garden is now a mud-pit resembling a scene from the movie, “Woodstock”. Invaders now occupy every inch of our exterior property.

Local media continually write stories about what a cruel, heartless, evil and racist SOB I am for not providing food for my “guests” and adding them to my health insurance.

Upon returning home from school, we keep our kids in the house. Our neighborhood has become unsafe and in rapid decline; selling drugs and lord knows what illegal activities are taking place in our backyard.

The Home Owner’s Association sent a petition to the city demanding they do something to stop the invasion spreading all over our community. In response, the city is suing us. The local media has joined the city in their effort to portray us as racists who are somehow breaking the law.
Unbelievably, to assist the invaders, the city has raised our taxes to provide by-lingual signage throughout our community, food, education and health care for our “guests”.

Please understand. Our history of swiftly coming to the aid of people in need around the world confirms that my neighbors and I are a charitable, generous and compassionate people. Thus, we wholeheartedly support anyone seeking a better life.

But, there is a right and wrong way of doing things. An illegal invasion is not the correct way. It is also immoral to send a message that it is acceptable to break our laws; a slap in the face to all who play by the rules.

What happened to “equal justice for all”? Law enforcement and government lending a deaf ear to lawbreakers for political reasons is the worse kind of corruption. Their motives are not about compassion, but rather securing potential new voters. Such a self-serving exploitation of power is shameful, despicable and ugly. How can my city, with a straight face, instruct kids to obey the law and not sell drugs when the city decides to enforce laws based on their agenda or the race of the offender?

Got to run, the Spot-O-Potty delivery guys have arrived. Yes, it is another expense, but it is worth it.

Do you think that the author of this parable is racist?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Isn't that RACIST?

In America:

A black child is more likely to be deprived by coming from a single parent (Mother) household than a white child.  Is that racist?

A black person is more likely to be killed by a black person than killed by a white person.  Is that racist?

A black person is more likely to be unemployed than a white person. Is that racist? 

What about if a President "decides" to make a law that brings more than 5 million MORE people into the employment pool.   Doesn't that make it MORE likely that a black person will be unemployed.  Therefore, isn't THAT racist?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

See BS & eNdless BS prepping the sheeple for Hillary

Isn't it "soooo interesting" that CBS has a new show about a "strong female leader" in the State Department, and NBC has a new show about a "strong female leader" as the president?

It's almost as if they are "softening" the public for a Hillary run!

....or even a Moochelle run

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Berlin Wall - 25 years ago today

Do you remember where you were 25 years ago?  I do.  I was a bright-eyed bushy tailed Soldier.  My fellow Soldiers also will tell you they remember that day well.  That was the day the War that we were "fighting" (actually training to fight the to fight the follow the pattern) "ended".

One of the most "memorable" things one of my fellow Soldiers said to me when he PCS'd to another assignment was my room-mate, John.  On the installation we were stationed at, all the Soldiers were in a common barracks (a very small installation).

My roommate was a MuddyPuppy (MP..that's Military Police for those who don't speak Army). I was, and still am, a Computer Nerd.

When he was leaving he told me that he was so glad that he was PCSing and that he would no longer have to be my roommate.

Now, for most people, that would seem rather mean...but he elaborated that one of his jobs was, in the event the Communist Russians were to overtake our installation, he was to shoot me as soon as possible, Because of the materials that I handled and worked with on a daily basis was so vital, shooting me was to keep anything in my brain from "possibly" falling into the hands of the Russians.

The Cold War was VERY REAL at that time of my life.

That's a sobering reality of the Cold War that we fought against the Russians.

The Communists were our enemy for a REAL REASON.

It's now twenty five years later and that symbol of the end of the Cold War now exists in memory and in museums, and I believe that we may be in the beginnings of another US/USSR (yeah I know...they don't "exist anymore") chess game.

Hundreds and Hundreds and Hundreds of people DIED trying to move from one side of Berlin.  It was FROM the Communist side TO the Capitalist side.  Some people literally were smuggled INSIDE of car seats!

Actually. DIED is not the best word.  THEY WERE SHOT!!!!!!

Let that sink in....THEY.....WERE....SHOT trying to travel from one side of a city to another.

If you say that to a "smart" college kid today, they will look at you like you have three heads!  They cannot fathom the concept of a Government shooting it's own subjects....yes I called them subjects, because that is what they were.....right Comrade?

The Wall literally cut homes, streets, and families in half.  One day, no wall....the next day, a wall separates the east side of the street from the west side of the street....and you would be SHOT for crossing the street!

The next time you hear ANYONE speak positively about Communism/Marxism/etc...they are either LYING to you, or the are completely CLUELESS as to the threat that Communism brings to the World and what life is/was like in a Communist "Community". easy a caveman could understand it......or a "Community" organizer!

Welcome to the real world Gallup!!!

Here's a <sarc> shock </sarc>!!

Having a gun in a home makes the home MORE SAFE!!!!


This isn't just a Duh!...... it's a Fu-Duh!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A Leader?

A leader is voted into office with a groundswell of support of "the people"
the leader had no formal leadership training or abilities before being elected
the leader was simply a great public speaker
most experts outside of his inner circle viewed him as a narcissist
the leader demanded loyalty to him, not to "the people" or to the country
The crowds idolized him and his words spoke of the power of "the people"
Over time, his policies and leadership failed again and again and again
"the people" began to turn on the leader
the leader grew petulant and insulated from "the people"
the leader felt that "the people" abandoned him and his administration
in an act of desparation the leader, in his waning days of power embraced a scorched earth policy.

Gee...........Can you name the leader in this soliloquy?

Ehhhh....wrong....I was describing the Hitler Administration of Germany....but thanks for playing.