Monday, August 22, 2016

Another "asian" in Brussels

The PC doublespeak is really starting to be tiring

In Brussels, an "asian" woman goes on a machete rampage

.....and the official word is instantly

she is "asian"
she has a history of mental illness
there are "no ties to terrorism"

....let me translate that for you

She's muslim.

....that was easy....wasn't it?

I's not like this is happening every couple of days or so in Brussels

....oh....wait's almost as if all of these mentally ill folks have to rest their heads five times a day or something....ya know?

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Voter ID is RACIST!!!

So, let me see if I understand the way the Dhims see Photo ID correctly:

According to the Dhims, it's NOT racist to require a photo ID for:

Purchasing Alcohol,
Purchasing Cigarettes,
Opening a Bank account,
Joining the Armed Services to defend the country,
Apply for Government Benefits like:
- Food Stamps,
- or Welfare,
- or Social Security,
- or Medicaid,
- or Unemployment benefits.
Applying for a job,
Renting a house,
- or an Apartment,
Buying a house,
- or a condo,
Applying for a Mortgage,
Driving a Car,
Driving a Truck,
Driving a Motorcycle,
Renting a Car,
Renting a Truck,
Buying a Car,
Buying a Truck,
Buying a RV,
Buying a Motorcycle,
Getting on an Airplane,
Traveling outside of these United States,
Returing to these United States,
Getting Married,
Purchasing a Gun,
Adopting a Child,
Adopting a Pet,
Renting a Hotel Room,
Applying for a Fishing License,
Applying for a Hunting License,
Applying for a Concealed Carry,
Buying a Cellular phone,
Visiting a Casino (any of them),
Getting a Prescription,
Getting any medication with Pseudoephedrine (a "D" medcine),
Holding a rally,
Holding a protest,
Donating your own blood,
Buying a video game that is rated "Mature",
Entering a Dhimocrat Rally or Convention, such as one for HiLIARy.
Entering a state or federal government building, facility, or Military Installation.


requiring a Photo ID to vote IS RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...did I get that right?

Voter ID is RACIST!!!

So, let me see if I understand the way the Dhims see Photo ID correctly:

According to the Dhims, it's NOT racist to require a photo ID for:

Purchasing Alcohol,
Purchasing Cigarettes,
Opening a Bank account,
Joining the Armed Services to defend the country,
Apply for Government Benefits like:
- Food Stamps,
- or Welfare,
- or Social Security,
- or Medicaid,
- or Unemployment benefits.
Applying for a job,
Renting a house,
- or an Apartment,
Buying a house,
- or a condo,
Applying for a Mortgage,
Driving a Car,
Driving a Truck,
Driving a Motorcycle,
Renting a Car,
Renting a Truck,
Buying a Car,
Buying a Truck,
Buying a RV,
Buying a Motorcycle,
Getting on an Airplane,
Traveling outside of these United States,
Returing to these United States,
Getting Married,
Purchasing a Gun,
Adopting a Child,
Adopting a Pet,
Renting a Hotel Room,
Applying for a Fishing License,
Applying for a Hunting License,
Applying for a Concealed Carry,
Buying a Cellular phone,
Visiting a Casino (any of them),
Getting a Prescription,
Getting any medication with Pseudoephedrine (a "D" medcine),
Holding a rally,
Holding a protest,
Donating your own blood,
Buying a video game that is rated "Mature",
Entering a state or federal government building, facility, or Military Installation.


requiring a Photo ID to vote IS RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...did I get that right?