Tuesday, June 24, 2014

How the Democrat party has gotten to this point

The modern Democrat party really came to be in the 1930s.
They started as the party of the working class, rallying against the giant corporations (which was the introduction of the Union system, a system of "common" good).  If you were against the Dems, you were "against the working man".

Then the Democrats learned that the corporations were where the money was, and began to morph.

During the morphing time, their base went to War (not the ruling class folks mind you, just the working class stiffs).

Once the War was over and the 50's moved into the 60's, all of those "stiffs" started becoming family men, and those folks started drifting towards the GOP.

Well.....the Dems can't survive without victims, so they started supporting the "victims" in the 60's: Minorities and Women.  Now, if you were against the Dems, your were a sexist or a racist or anti-choice or against the working man.

Next, since they have to have a victim base to survive, the Dems moved again, most recently towards the Gay population and the immigrant population: now the "haters" are racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-choice, and anti-immigrant and against the working man.

See how this works?

So now, you are starting to see how the "victims of GUN-VIOLENCE" is starting to play out, and why we need the "COMMON SENSE" approach to dealing with GUN VIOLENCE"

lets see....how would they pitch that?

Oh yeah........against reducing GUN VIOLENCE and Common Sense, haters, racists, sexists, homophobes, anti-choice, anti-immigrant, and against the working man.

See how easy this is! You too can play at home!