Thursday, September 25, 2014

For the safety of the citizenry, we must disarm the citizenry


This isn't these United States of's know....where it's ALREADY ILLEGAL TO OWN ARMS and it has the SECOND HIGHEST MURDER RATE in the WORLD! (Honduras is the top!)

When Maduro speaks of the safety of the citizenry and "peace within"...he means "me and my friends need to make sure nobody else has guns, in case they figure out that we are robbing them blind".  I guess since Chavez sucked BILLIONS out of the Venezuelan economy before he did his dirt nap, there's not any more "meat" on the bone of the Venezuelan pocketbook.

A universal truth of history that gets repeated over and over and over again is that all dictators aim to disarm their subjects.

IF Venezuela was truly a constitutional government, it has nothing to fear from armed citizens.

Put another way: ANY government that tries to disarm the citizens clearly intends to subvert the constitution and the liberties of the people of that said country