Sunday, February 8, 2015

So...because I have a pop gun that can shoot more than....say...1 round at a time

...that makes me a person who wants to overthrow the government?


.....well.....he is a Dhimo-crat Senator from that's understandable.

Ok...Mr Murphy (insert military murphy's laws here)

Let me give you a little bit of knowledge (even though you will refuse to listen because FACTS should never be used when you talk to Dhims because they refuse delivery)

1st of all....please show me, in the 2A....WHERE EXACTLY the FF's defined the 2A as for "hunting"

<que Jeopardy music>

you can't.................BECAUSE IT'S NOT ABOUT HUNTING!!!!


because you obviously have an IQ that's lower than room temperature, let's break the 2A down into easy to understand (because you are a Dhim) pieces.

A well regulated:  this means that you are "TRAINED in the use of" not "encumbered with idiotic government rules"

militia:  this means "armed citizens" not "the national guard"....considering the national guard DIDN'T EXIST until 1933.

being necessary to the security of a free state: this means "free from Tyranical control".  What hoplos consistently "forget" is that the FFs fought to be free from a tyrant AKA King George.  WHY IN THE HELL WOULD THEY WANT A REPEAT PERFORMANCE OF THAT FACT?

the right of the people:  this means that the PEOPLE (not the government) have the RIGHT TO,...the same as the PEOPLE have the right of free speech.

to keep and bear arms:  this means TO OWN and TO USE

shall not be infringed: this means that YOU (the government) CAN NOT stop us from owning and using ANY arms