Monday, March 9, 2015


So...KPTB has GOT TO BE the dimmest "leader" we have EVAH Had!

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Here is what I mean:

1.  When did he "learn" about Fast and Furious?
     Answer: He said he first heard it on the news.

2. How about the IRS Scandal (only targeting Conservatives...remember?)?
     Answer: He said he first heard it on the news.

3.  And the issues with the Veteran's Administration?
     Answer: He said he first heard it on the news.

4.  And, now, whadaboudthe stuff with Hilary's email?
      Answer: He said he first heard it on the news.

....and yet, the LSM STILL thinks he is the greatest thing evah!!

I guess that's what he meant by a transparent administration.....the space between his ears seems to be transparent.