Monday, June 29, 2015

"Banning the Confederate Flag" BS test


The Dhims want to BAN a 150+ year old symbol of the South because of their agenda....being that ALL SYMBOLS that are against ANYTHING we say....MUST...BE...WIPED....FROM....HISTORY!


Well....if we are truly going to play this FAIR (their favorite four letter word).  Let's do a REALLY SIMPLE test.  Your answers are TRUE or FALSE.

The Republican party was the party of secession.

The Republicans wanted to secede because the Democrats of the North wanted to ban slavery.

The Republicans were the party of slavery.

The Republicans put bounties on Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass.

The Republicans were the party of lynching black folks.

The Republicans were the party of Jim Crow laws.

The Republicans banned the right for freedmen to own guns and bear arms, in effect making it illegal for blacks to own guns because of the color of their skin.  This was to keep the recent freedmen from defending themselves and their families when those same republicans attempted to lynch/burn/kill them.

The Republicans established poll taxes and literacy laws for the right to vote.

The Republicans turned fire hoses on black folks.

The Republicans called out the National Guard to stop black children from attending a white school.

The Republicans voted against the Civil Rights act of 1957.

The Republicans voted against the Civil Rights act of 1960.

The Republicans were overwhelmingling againt the Civil Rights act of 1964.

The Republicans are the party of Eugenicist Margaret Sanger.

The Republicans are the party of Charles Darwin, and his believe that black folks are "savages".

So....there it is...a simple test on the symbols of racism in these United States.

How'd you do?

Did you say TRUE to any of them?

Did you say TRUE to all of them?

So...what you are saying is that this party is what should really be BANNED....right?

Well.....congratulations.....SUCKER!  You obviously haven't read any (Non-revisionist) history....because EVERY ANSWER from above is FALSE.  Swap out Democrats and Republicans in the quiz to get the CORRECT version of history.

I guess now, you are going to say "Nah-Uhh....that's not what my College professors told me".

There is a word for people like that.......Poleznogo Idiot (Useful Idiot)....which is what most sheeple are.....especially to the Dhims.