Monday, December 8, 2014

Ferguson and NYC "choke hold"


Here's my take.  Both the MB/Ferguson huudeedoo and the NYC "choke-hold" (*note the air-finger quotes and my take below on that portion) are because RACIZIM of course.

but what is interesting is that the Socialists and Marxists have "taken over" the wailing party.

Here's how they are doing this (a simple, 4 step plan)

1.  They "join" the agrieved because of the RACIZIM of the capitalist society, and the agrieved are their "COMRADES in pain"
2.  They then...slowly...take control of the "peaceable protests" and begin to change the tune to the issue is not RACIZIM, but CAPTIALISM.
3.  Now the DhimWits who were previously "the agrieved" are now chanting against CAPITALISM.
4.  If you try to correct them or tell them what the are doing, they call you a RAAAAACCCCIISST!

* -choke hold:  I'm sorry, but a 190-200 lb PoPo does not have the height or physical strength to put a "choke-hold" on a 6'4' 375-400 lb man.....that is a physical impossibility.  The "vicitim" was toppled (as in weight/balance transfer) by the PoPo, crashed to the sidewalk and THEN started to "ah caint breeed, ah caint breeeed".  His death was NOT because of the choke-hold.  

And, isn't it interesting that the lead PoPo on the scene is not identified in ANY of the media reports.(A BLACK FEMALE Police Sergeant who was at the scene the whole time and did not tell the officer to desist)......HMMM...I wonder why?