Saturday, December 20, 2014

KPTB sez we have to "stop the US embargo of Cuba"


WHY would KPTB "want"  these United States to do business with Cuba?

1.  Since Venezuela is doing 'so well' with their Socialist Government (please...if you don't know already....Venezuela is imploding), Cuba has to locate a new supplier of fuel and money.

2.  Since the Cuban Government has no has to find a way to get revenues into the coffers.

3.  Any monies that "the cuban people" (read: everyone EXCEPT the Government) earn would end up (about 90%) in the coffers of the government....problem solved

btw...if you want to argue that "the cuban people" would get a two-to-one trade of "outside monies" with "inside monies"....I'll call you an idiot.  Here's why:  Cuba has TWO monies.

a.  Any monies that are "earned" from outside entities of Cuba are paid in an outside money.

b.  "the cuban people" are not "allowed" to use outside money.....only inside money.

Here's where I call you an idiot:

You are going to tell me "the cuban people" get a two to one in two inside "dollars" for every outside "dollar" of American Companies...if you are just a "bumper sticker liberal", you'd be correct.


The standard exchange rate is TWENTY SIX inside dollars for every outside dollar.  So if "the cuban people" are getting TWO inside for every ONE outside...where do you think the OTHER TWENTY FOUR "dollars" are going Einstein?

So now....Why again does KPTB want relations with Cuba to be re-engaged?  And WHO does it benefit? you are learning grasshopper!