Saturday, July 5, 2014

An interesting exercise from the Hobby Lobby decision

Everyone knows about the SCOTUS decision on Hobby Lobby.  Here is an interesting thought:

The left "melted down" when the H.L. decision came to out.  Basically, the left equates "corporations aren't required to pay for (or allow for) something they "feel" is against their beliefs equates to a restriction of a "right" to healthcare. (please note the quotes on feel and right)

Yeah...I know...the equation doesn't really click in my head either.

But...I thought about it and came up with something.

Let's play a game with the left's logic on this.

A lefty "feels" that guns are bad/evil/icky/gross/whatever, so they make a sign that declares a public space a "gun free zone".  Using their logic, wouldn't that be a restriction of my RIGHTS in terms of the 2A?

Specifically, isn't it a prohibition of the exercise of a specific enumerated right on public property?

interesting thought, right?