Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Bloomberg is an idiot

If you haven't heard this already.....MikeMikeMike has a new video about how to stop violence against women BY BANNING GUNS from domestic abusers.

OK...if you beat your wife, you are lower than pond-scum (LTPS).  That said, this video ACTUALLY PROVES WHY we have the winning argument.

Here's why:

1.  LTPS violates a restraining order.  HE BROKE THE LAW...check.

2.  LTPS enters the ex-wifes home. HE BROKE THE LAW..check again.

3.  LTPS KIDNAPS HIS CHILD, of which he does NOT HAVE LEGAL CUSTODY.  HE BROKE THE LAW...another check

So to the Liberal morons out there that believe MikeMikeMike's POV in the video:

HOW IS ANOTHER LAW going to stop this?

 ...............the hoplos are idiots!