Tuesday, July 29, 2014

It used to be:

It used to be: the Democrat Party was "for the poor"
It now is: The Democrat Party is for the Ruling class, but still tell everyone they are "for the poor"

It used to be: The Republican Party was "for a LIMITED government with the bounds of the constitution"
It now is: The Republican Party is for the Ruling class, an unlimited government, and the constitution is an "old, dated document that no one in Washington has ever read".

It used to be: Politicians were elected to CONgress as representatives of the people (House), and the States (Senate).  They acted on behalf of those they represented.
It now is: Politicians are now actors in the Theater of the Absurd, where we, the great unwashed, pay admission (taxes) for a show we don't want to see, doesn't represent us in any way shape or form, and insults us in every act.

-- Me