Thursday, December 17, 2015

Freddie Gray MisTrial in Baltimore

I've been "kinda" watching this for the last couple of months because, frankly, the level of stupidity of the citizens of Baltimore astound me.

So the judge has declared a Mis-trial, and the inevitable "R8CIST" comments instantly ensue from the stupids.

"Another group of protesters called police officers racist, chanting, "No justice, no peace" and, "All night, all day, we will fight for Freddie Gray."

alrighty the stupids want to say this is a racist thing....that's REALLY FUNNY.  Here is why.

1.  The PoPo being charged (William Porter) black.

2.  The chief of police (Anthony Batts) black

3.  The prosecutor (Marilyn Mosby) black

4.  The Judge (Barry Williams) black

5.  The Mayor (Stephanie Rawlings-Blake) black (hyphened last name usually means a Lib too) EXACTLY is this a racist thing?