Monday, December 7, 2015


I am reposting this.  I ONEHUNDREDANDFIFTYPERCENT in agreement with Former Congressman Walsh.  I stand with him:


Congressman to Loretta Lynch “Prosecute Me”The day after Muslim terrorists killed 14 Americans, Attorney General Loretta Lynch vowed to prosecute anyone who uses “anti-Muslim rhetoric” that “edges toward violence.”

What the hell does that mean? I have a 1st Amendment right, Ms Lynch, to say whatever I want about Muslims.

You want to try and prosecute me for what I say? I dare you. Here goes:

Most Muslims around the world are terrorists, support terrorism, and/or support Sharia Law. They are our enemy. I don’t want them in America. Any Muslim that won’t assimilate should get the hell out of America. Any Muslim that is a terrorist or supports terrorism should be killed. If “Moderate” Muslims don’t speak out against terrorism, they are our enemy and we should call them out and kick them out of this country. I hope there is a backlash against Muslims because Islam, as practiced by most Muslims, is not a religion of peace, and all of us who do live in peace should do whatever we can to defeat Islam.

There Ms Lynch. As an American, I have a right to say everything I just did. And I will continue to speak the truth about Islam in the hopes that others will wake up to this truth and do what we can to defeat this evil in our midst.

Is that “anti-Muslim rhetoric” that “edges toward violence”. Go ahead and prosecute me. I dare you.

Posted by Joe Walsh on Friday, December 4, 2015

Now....the next question.  Do YOU stand with him too?