Sunday, December 6, 2015

Of course.....he uses the time to pitch gun control

Just prior to SNF, KPTB goes on the boob-tube (how appropriate for him) to lecture us with his "it's not the fault of Islam" speech.  Of course he HAS TO pitch his gun control agenda....since his efforts in Syria, and Iraq, and Iran, and Afghanistan, and Libya, and with Boko Haram, and the JV Team, and Obamacare, and Putin, and his "awesome vetting process"...ahem.....which led to San Bernanadino no less, and his handling of the economy.

(BTW: Did you notice that he used a lectern, not the desk? many other Prezbo's have done an OO speech from a lectern?  Image is EVERYTHING with these people)

So...he wants to make it that IF you are on the no-fly list, you can't exercise your rights as an "just sounds so special" doesn't it.  Well the Dhims and the LSM and the LIV that aren't paying attention would have you think so.


1.  There is no "control" for the No-Fly-List....meaning, if some bureaucrat (let's just call him Barack) doesn't like your particular "view" of the way he does things, he can just "convieniently" add your name to the list more 2nd, 4th, or 5th amendment for you sucka!!  You are now BANNED from defending yourself.  Banned from unreasonable search.  Banned from an actual legal trial and facing your accuser...rather, you are now guilty until YOU provide proof of innocence because "someone" doesn't think you should have those rights.

Add to that, just after San Bernadino, KPTB's newly installed Attorney General of the Department of Just-Us has stated that she will prosecute "anti-Muslim rhetoric" other words....prosecute free goes your 1st amedment protections as well.

2.  There is NO WAY for you, the citizen to know you are even on the list, find out WHO put your name on the list, find out WHY your name is on the list, or even have your name removed from the list.  When the late Senator "Hiccup" Kennedy's name got put on the list, it took his staff more than THREE WEEKS to get it removed.. long would it take someone who was NOT from KPTB's party who doesn't have "connections" in DeeCee to accomplish the same thing?

Now it doesn't sound so cool does it?

BUT, that is what the NYT, and Slate, and TheNation, and Politico, and EVERY OTHER LSM outlet is going to try to pitch.

BTW, there are SEVENTY TWO (72) Department of Homeland Security employees on the No-Fly List!!! ......ummm....anyone see a problem here?

Having said that....I've got a question:  How would his "push" have stopped San Bernadino, the Chattanooga Recruiting Station, Fort Hood, the Tsarnev's (they used guns too), the DC Navy yard, Oregon, or any other "workplace violence" that has happened in These United States?

ANSWER: ZERO, none, nada, nyet

So, if it's something that wouldn't stop the ACTUAL Terrorists (who don't obey laws anyway)....WHY would he want a way to "instantly" ban his opponents ability to defend themselves, quell their speech, search them at his whim, and not be able to face an accuser made so easily available?

Gee....I just wonder