Pretty sure the LSM will NOT publish this's counter to their push for thought hafta go to the UK to get it.
"but my college professors told me the arctic is melting away and the polar bears are starving and the beaches will disappear and if we don't DO SOMETHING NOW we MAY be underwater in less that a hundred years and that makes me sad and I don't want to feel sad so I am going to believe whatever OwlGore tells me and he can have all my money for carbon taxes so that he can fly around the world in his AvGas sucking airplane to tell everyone that Gaia is burning....."
”The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it.” - Thomas Jefferson
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Friday, August 29, 2014
"No one needs a gun" is an all too common spouting of an idiot who "feels" rather than thinks. In other words, the Hoplo is confusing needs with rights. (confusion seems to come rather easily to them)
The argument ALWAYS seems to be framed around how a TOOL kills people, not the person using the tool.
Ummmmm....sorry, tools are inanimate objects, and fear of an inanimate object usually means that the fear is 1. irrational and 2. indicative of a mental stability issue. If you want to remove all those TOOLS that are used to kill people, you are going to have a substantial list. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, knives, hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches, rope, metal pipes (Clue anyone?), bats, pool-sticks, pools, bathtubs, razors, stairs, ladders.....need I continue?
And yet, the Hoplos mind says that we should "just BAN them".
That ALWAYS works......... right?
Ban alcohol consumption...that will work.
Ban the use of illicit drugs.....that will work.
Ban criminals from committing gun crime by banning them from having guns.....that will work.
Banning ALWAYS works the way the Dhims intend.....right?
Let's wrap our heads around this mindset. What happens IF King Putt decides that he wants to BAN gun ownership AND the people follow along (let's just pretend that we will...because the reality is when Governments ban guns, something bad usually happens soon after that). Who is going to comply with this new "law"? The "law" abiding people....right. Ok, then....who is left with the guns? Oh....yeah...right.....those individuals that don't obey the law now.....the criminals!
I always chuckle when there is a story about a Hoplo getting mugged or robbed....and the first thing they do is wonder WHY there is no one there to stop the Goblin.....this is usually in a "gun free zone".....well...they could have called 911 and told the nice Goblin to wait for the PoPo to show up....but that never seems to happen (imagine that). Usually that "traumatic personal event" wakes them up from their Unicorn world and realize that the PoPo rarely are around when you need them. They usually start coming into the real know...where WE ARE.
Tell me this Mr Hoplo....England BANNED guns......In what DIRECTION are their crime rates (with guns) going since all of the "law abiding citizens" can't have guns? Hmmmmmm?
There is virtually no crime in Sweden or Switzerland, but they don't have Gun Control is that possible? oh yeah.......the citizens ARE ALL ARMED!!!
Why is it that Goblins never rob a Gun store, or try to commit crime at a Gun Show....or even try to rob a PoPo?....hmmm.....what could be the reason POSSIBLY BE?
But still, it's sooooo nice to know that all of these "smart people" know sooooo much about what my NEEDS are. Since they ARE so smart, let's crank up this "needs" definition. Let's play their game shall we?
No one NEEDS:
A brand new 2015 super duper 5000 horse candy red muscle car, a SMART will suffice to get you from A to B.
A $3000 dollar Rolex watch. A $10 digital watch from Walmart will tell you the time just fine.
The latest iPhone26 (or whatever). you can communicate using a government approved, GPS trackable smartphone that saves copies of everything you say, do, search, or type in it. That way, the government can "ensure" your safety at all times.
1157 cable TV channels with the sports center premium everything package. You can live with 4 "government approved" channels.
A X-box or Playstation 300. A deck of cards will do.
A 63 inch widescreen High definition Television. You can get by with an old B/w TV to watch those 4 "government approved" channels.
A swimming pool or Jacuzzi in the backyard. Besides, they should really be banned
"for the children's safety".
A house larger than 500 square feet. WHY would you NEED anything larger that a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and a "common" space.
to have access to any drugs. Why would you want to put your mind into an altered state? That wouldn't be a productive use of your time, would it, Comrade?
caviar, kobe beef, sea urchin, dry aged beef, filet mignon, or any other high end food. You can get adequate calories from just hamburger, plain chicken, rice, and potatoes every day so that you may produce work for the common good.
and since they are sooooo confused over the difference between needs and rights:
to make decisions on whether the have children or not. I mean, the government would NEVER interfere with someone's reproductive "needs".
Free speech. Because the government would NEVER stop it's great unwashed from speaking their mind. It's not like you would have to have a license to speak in that sort of world.
to choose their own religious beliefs. After all, we all now worship the Almighty and powerful King Putt, and his church of Gimme-freestuff-because-I-am-entitled!
to assemble with others of the same beliefs as them and address their grievances to the almighty and powerful King Putt.
to not incriminate themselves, after all, our society is now guilty until proven innocent, right?
The argument ALWAYS seems to be framed around how a TOOL kills people, not the person using the tool.
Ummmmm....sorry, tools are inanimate objects, and fear of an inanimate object usually means that the fear is 1. irrational and 2. indicative of a mental stability issue. If you want to remove all those TOOLS that are used to kill people, you are going to have a substantial list. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, knives, hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches, rope, metal pipes (Clue anyone?), bats, pool-sticks, pools, bathtubs, razors, stairs, ladders.....need I continue?
And yet, the Hoplos mind says that we should "just BAN them".
That ALWAYS works......... right?
Ban alcohol consumption...that will work.
Ban the use of illicit drugs.....that will work.
Ban criminals from committing gun crime by banning them from having guns.....that will work.
Banning ALWAYS works the way the Dhims intend.....right?
Let's wrap our heads around this mindset. What happens IF King Putt decides that he wants to BAN gun ownership AND the people follow along (let's just pretend that we will...because the reality is when Governments ban guns, something bad usually happens soon after that). Who is going to comply with this new "law"? The "law" abiding people....right. Ok, then....who is left with the guns? Oh....yeah...right.....those individuals that don't obey the law now.....the criminals!
I always chuckle when there is a story about a Hoplo getting mugged or robbed....and the first thing they do is wonder WHY there is no one there to stop the Goblin.....this is usually in a "gun free zone".....well...they could have called 911 and told the nice Goblin to wait for the PoPo to show up....but that never seems to happen (imagine that). Usually that "traumatic personal event" wakes them up from their Unicorn world and realize that the PoPo rarely are around when you need them. They usually start coming into the real know...where WE ARE.
Tell me this Mr Hoplo....England BANNED guns......In what DIRECTION are their crime rates (with guns) going since all of the "law abiding citizens" can't have guns? Hmmmmmm?
There is virtually no crime in Sweden or Switzerland, but they don't have Gun Control is that possible? oh yeah.......the citizens ARE ALL ARMED!!!
Why is it that Goblins never rob a Gun store, or try to commit crime at a Gun Show....or even try to rob a PoPo?....hmmm.....what could be the reason POSSIBLY BE?
But still, it's sooooo nice to know that all of these "smart people" know sooooo much about what my NEEDS are. Since they ARE so smart, let's crank up this "needs" definition. Let's play their game shall we?
No one NEEDS:
A brand new 2015 super duper 5000 horse candy red muscle car, a SMART will suffice to get you from A to B.
A $3000 dollar Rolex watch. A $10 digital watch from Walmart will tell you the time just fine.
The latest iPhone26 (or whatever). you can communicate using a government approved, GPS trackable smartphone that saves copies of everything you say, do, search, or type in it. That way, the government can "ensure" your safety at all times.
1157 cable TV channels with the sports center premium everything package. You can live with 4 "government approved" channels.
A X-box or Playstation 300. A deck of cards will do.
A 63 inch widescreen High definition Television. You can get by with an old B/w TV to watch those 4 "government approved" channels.
A swimming pool or Jacuzzi in the backyard. Besides, they should really be banned
"for the children's safety".
A house larger than 500 square feet. WHY would you NEED anything larger that a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and a "common" space.
to have access to any drugs. Why would you want to put your mind into an altered state? That wouldn't be a productive use of your time, would it, Comrade?
caviar, kobe beef, sea urchin, dry aged beef, filet mignon, or any other high end food. You can get adequate calories from just hamburger, plain chicken, rice, and potatoes every day so that you may produce work for the common good.
and since they are sooooo confused over the difference between needs and rights:
to make decisions on whether the have children or not. I mean, the government would NEVER interfere with someone's reproductive "needs".
Free speech. Because the government would NEVER stop it's great unwashed from speaking their mind. It's not like you would have to have a license to speak in that sort of world.
to choose their own religious beliefs. After all, we all now worship the Almighty and powerful King Putt, and his church of Gimme-freestuff-because-I-am-entitled!
to assemble with others of the same beliefs as them and address their grievances to the almighty and powerful King Putt.
to not incriminate themselves, after all, our society is now guilty until proven innocent, right?
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
If guns cause crimes:
do matches cause arson?
do spoons cause obesity?
do pencils cause bad spelling?
do flies cause garbage?
do hoodies cause robberies?
do cameras cause porn?
do wet streets cause rain?
do typewriters cause libel?
do cars cause drunk driving?
do police officers in riot gear cause riots?
do spoons cause obesity?
do pencils cause bad spelling?
do flies cause garbage?
do hoodies cause robberies?
do cameras cause porn?
do wet streets cause rain?
do typewriters cause libel?
do cars cause drunk driving?
do police officers in riot gear cause riots?
Interesting.....Bluecoat doesn't like free speech
Your request was denied because of its content categorization: "Suspicious"
If you feel the web site is mis-categorized, please submit a request to change the web site's category at WebPulse Site Review.
It's interesting that a blog about the exercise of free speech and bearing arms is being tagged as "Suspicious". It's like they want to hide something.
If you feel the web site is mis-categorized, please submit a request to change the web site's category at WebPulse Site Review.
It's interesting that a blog about the exercise of free speech and bearing arms is being tagged as "Suspicious". It's like they want to hide something.
So tell me how this is not a "chilling effect" on the 1st Amendment
and in case that one dissapears "unexpectedly":
and in case that one also "unexpectedly" vanishes:
and if that one also evaporates:
Feds Creating Database to Track ‘Hate Speech’ on Twitter
$1 Million study focuses on internet memes, ‘misinformation’ in political campaigns
BY: Elizabeth Harrington
August 25, 2014 3:30 pm
The federal government is spending nearly $1 million to create an online database that will track “misinformation” and hate speech on Twitter.
The National Science Foundation is financing the creation of a web service that will monitor “suspicious memes” and what it considers “false and misleading ideas,” with a major focus on political activity online.
The “Truthy” database, created by researchers at Indiana University, is designed to “detect political smears, astroturfing, misinformation, and other social pollution.”
The university has received $919,917 so far for the project.
“The project stands to benefit both the research community and the public significantly,” the grant states. “Our data will be made available via [application programming interfaces] APIs and include information on meme propagation networks, statistical data, and relevant user and content features.”
“The open-source platform we develop will be made publicly available and will be extensible to ever more research areas as a greater preponderance of human activities are replicated online,” it continues. “Additionally, we will create a web service open to the public for monitoring trends, bursts, and suspicious memes.”
“This service could mitigate the diffusion of false and misleading ideas, detect hate speech and subversive propaganda, and assist in the preservation of open debate,” the grant said.
“Truthy,” which gets its name from Stephen Colbert, will catalog how information is spread on Twitter, including political campaigns.
“While the vast majority of memes arise in a perfectly organic manner, driven by the complex mechanisms of life on the Web, some are engineered by the shady machinery of high-profile congressional campaigns,” according to the website.
“Truthy” claims to be non-partisan. However, the project’s lead investigator Filippo Menczer proclaims his support for numerous progressive advocacy groups, including President Barack Obama’s Organizing for Action,, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, Amnesty International, and True Majority.
Menczer, a professor of informatics and computer science at Indiana University, links to each of the organizations on his personal page from his bio at the Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research.
The government-funded researchers hope that the public will use their tool in the future to report on other Twitter users.
“Truthy uses a sophisticated combination of text and data mining, social network analysis, and complex networks models,” the website adds. “To train our algorithms, we leverage crowdsourcing: we rely on users like you to flag injections of forged grass-roots activity. Therefore, click on the Truthy button when you see a suspicious meme!”
The project also seeks to discover why certain Internet memes go viral and others do not. Funding is not expected to expire until June 30, 2015.
UPDATE: Nov 11, 2014: Wow!'s like I'm a psychic or something!!
and in case that one dissapears "unexpectedly":
and in case that one also "unexpectedly" vanishes:
and if that one also evaporates:
Feds Creating Database to Track ‘Hate Speech’ on Twitter
$1 Million study focuses on internet memes, ‘misinformation’ in political campaigns
BY: Elizabeth Harrington
August 25, 2014 3:30 pm
The federal government is spending nearly $1 million to create an online database that will track “misinformation” and hate speech on Twitter.
The National Science Foundation is financing the creation of a web service that will monitor “suspicious memes” and what it considers “false and misleading ideas,” with a major focus on political activity online.
The “Truthy” database, created by researchers at Indiana University, is designed to “detect political smears, astroturfing, misinformation, and other social pollution.”
The university has received $919,917 so far for the project.
“The project stands to benefit both the research community and the public significantly,” the grant states. “Our data will be made available via [application programming interfaces] APIs and include information on meme propagation networks, statistical data, and relevant user and content features.”
“The open-source platform we develop will be made publicly available and will be extensible to ever more research areas as a greater preponderance of human activities are replicated online,” it continues. “Additionally, we will create a web service open to the public for monitoring trends, bursts, and suspicious memes.”
“This service could mitigate the diffusion of false and misleading ideas, detect hate speech and subversive propaganda, and assist in the preservation of open debate,” the grant said.
“Truthy,” which gets its name from Stephen Colbert, will catalog how information is spread on Twitter, including political campaigns.
“While the vast majority of memes arise in a perfectly organic manner, driven by the complex mechanisms of life on the Web, some are engineered by the shady machinery of high-profile congressional campaigns,” according to the website.
“Truthy” claims to be non-partisan. However, the project’s lead investigator Filippo Menczer proclaims his support for numerous progressive advocacy groups, including President Barack Obama’s Organizing for Action,, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, Amnesty International, and True Majority.
Menczer, a professor of informatics and computer science at Indiana University, links to each of the organizations on his personal page from his bio at the Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research.
The government-funded researchers hope that the public will use their tool in the future to report on other Twitter users.
“Truthy uses a sophisticated combination of text and data mining, social network analysis, and complex networks models,” the website adds. “To train our algorithms, we leverage crowdsourcing: we rely on users like you to flag injections of forged grass-roots activity. Therefore, click on the Truthy button when you see a suspicious meme!”
The project also seeks to discover why certain Internet memes go viral and others do not. Funding is not expected to expire until June 30, 2015.
UPDATE: Nov 11, 2014: Wow!'s like I'm a psychic or something!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
It's amazing how a quote from 66 years ago is so accurate
“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
--George Orwell
--George Orwell
Monday, August 25, 2014
Liberal thinking
Not a gun post today kids......
Liberals only believe things that suit them. To them, everything else is a lie. (That's not what my Women's Studies and African-American Studies, and Economics Teachers in college told me, so it MUST BE a Lie!!)
Coal and Oil is bad because is Black, comes from the ground (you know: Hades) and that is EEEVVVIIILLL.
Solar is good because the Sun is beautiful and free and makes my complexion look just "sooo faaabulous", windmills are good because the wind is free and it blows my hair in pretty tassels and gives me that wonderful "wind swept look" that is ALLL the RAGE now!
"Fracking destroys the water tables and causes water spigots to shoot out blue flames that burn small children and that is so sad and we should never do anything that makes me feel sad because it just SOOO NEGATIVE!"
Sorry...There have been more than 2 million "fracks" in the United States alone. Guess how many of those has damaged the water table?
Guess how many has caused blue flames to be spit out of water faucets?
Who do you think benefits from all the Anti-Fracking? Who do you think is financially supporting the Anti-Fracking movement? (Hint: Follow the money as to who has the most to gain from the US NOT Fracking)
Saudi Arabia
What a bunch of 1D10Ts!
Liberals only believe things that suit them. To them, everything else is a lie. (That's not what my Women's Studies and African-American Studies, and Economics Teachers in college told me, so it MUST BE a Lie!!)
Coal and Oil is bad because is Black, comes from the ground (you know: Hades) and that is EEEVVVIIILLL.
Solar is good because the Sun is beautiful and free and makes my complexion look just "sooo faaabulous", windmills are good because the wind is free and it blows my hair in pretty tassels and gives me that wonderful "wind swept look" that is ALLL the RAGE now!
"Fracking destroys the water tables and causes water spigots to shoot out blue flames that burn small children and that is so sad and we should never do anything that makes me feel sad because it just SOOO NEGATIVE!"
Sorry...There have been more than 2 million "fracks" in the United States alone. Guess how many of those has damaged the water table?
Guess how many has caused blue flames to be spit out of water faucets?
Who do you think benefits from all the Anti-Fracking? Who do you think is financially supporting the Anti-Fracking movement? (Hint: Follow the money as to who has the most to gain from the US NOT Fracking)
Saudi Arabia
What a bunch of 1D10Ts!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
I can't beat this says so much that is true...Dims ARE the party of H8
I've said it here and elsewhere, but I'll say it again:
Democrats are the party of hatred, envy and bigotry. It's the basis of everything they do, and they use it at every opportunity.
If you disagree with them on race, it's because you're white (even if you're Thomas Sowell, Mia Love or Marco Rubio). If you disagree with them about women's rights, it's because you're a man (even if you're Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter or Megyn Kelly). If you disagree with them about gay rights, it's because you're straight (even if you're Liz Cheney, Jimmy LaSalvia or Chris Barron). They're not interested in empowering minorities, they're only interested in punishing white people. They're not interested in empowering women, they're only interested in punishing men. They're not interested in empowering gays, they're only interested in punishing straight people. They're not interested in helping people become successful, they're only interested in punishing the wealthy. They don't want justice, in fact they work hard to subvert it... because they pander to those who want revenge.
Of course, they'll always claim the opposite. But it isn't the Republicans who wanted a Supreme Court Justice who thought she could do better than others because she wasn't white. It isn't the Republicans who called a black politician a "house nigger." It isn't the Republicans who coined the term "white hispanic." It's not the Republicans who TO THIS DAY call Justice Thomas an "Uncle Tom." It's not the Republicans who delight in "Teabagger" as a derogatory term.
It isn't the Republicans who are proud to be associated with openly racist organizations like the NAACP and La Raza. It wasn't the Republicans who proudly put a sexual predator in the White House in the 90s. It wasn't the Republicans who were proud of voting for our current President because he's not white. It's not the Republicans who have fought tooth and nail to make it easy to get on welfare, but hard to succeed in business.
Democrats have spent the last several years calling Republicans "terrorists," "suicide bombers" and "hostage takers." But virtually every supporter of Hamas in America is a Democrat.
I'm an agnostic, and yes, I find it annoying when Christians act as if I'm some poor deluded soul who must be saved from his own stupidity. But at least Christians treat me as if I am a human being, and by their lights they are trying to help me. They'll try to change my mind, but they don't try to have me arrested or outcast when I don't. The anti-Christian left thinks I should be punished for daring to disagree with them, IF they concede that I should be allowed to exist AT ALL.
"Diversity" my hairy butt. I want my doctor, my lawyer, my local police and firefighters, to be the best, and I don't care what color they are, whether their underwear has a fly, or who they kiss when they go home in the evening.
I've said it here and elsewhere, but I'll say it again:
Democrats are the party of hatred, envy and bigotry. It's the basis of everything they do, and they use it at every opportunity.
If you disagree with them on race, it's because you're white (even if you're Thomas Sowell, Mia Love or Marco Rubio). If you disagree with them about women's rights, it's because you're a man (even if you're Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter or Megyn Kelly). If you disagree with them about gay rights, it's because you're straight (even if you're Liz Cheney, Jimmy LaSalvia or Chris Barron). They're not interested in empowering minorities, they're only interested in punishing white people. They're not interested in empowering women, they're only interested in punishing men. They're not interested in empowering gays, they're only interested in punishing straight people. They're not interested in helping people become successful, they're only interested in punishing the wealthy. They don't want justice, in fact they work hard to subvert it... because they pander to those who want revenge.
Of course, they'll always claim the opposite. But it isn't the Republicans who wanted a Supreme Court Justice who thought she could do better than others because she wasn't white. It isn't the Republicans who called a black politician a "house nigger." It isn't the Republicans who coined the term "white hispanic." It's not the Republicans who TO THIS DAY call Justice Thomas an "Uncle Tom." It's not the Republicans who delight in "Teabagger" as a derogatory term.
It isn't the Republicans who are proud to be associated with openly racist organizations like the NAACP and La Raza. It wasn't the Republicans who proudly put a sexual predator in the White House in the 90s. It wasn't the Republicans who were proud of voting for our current President because he's not white. It's not the Republicans who have fought tooth and nail to make it easy to get on welfare, but hard to succeed in business.
Democrats have spent the last several years calling Republicans "terrorists," "suicide bombers" and "hostage takers." But virtually every supporter of Hamas in America is a Democrat.
I'm an agnostic, and yes, I find it annoying when Christians act as if I'm some poor deluded soul who must be saved from his own stupidity. But at least Christians treat me as if I am a human being, and by their lights they are trying to help me. They'll try to change my mind, but they don't try to have me arrested or outcast when I don't. The anti-Christian left thinks I should be punished for daring to disagree with them, IF they concede that I should be allowed to exist AT ALL.
"Diversity" my hairy butt. I want my doctor, my lawyer, my local police and firefighters, to be the best, and I don't care what color they are, whether their underwear has a fly, or who they kiss when they go home in the evening. is Ferguson NOT Dhimocraps astroturffing?
So.....75 of 78 arrested on August 20th are NOT RESIDENTS of Ferguson.
GEE...I wonder if the WHOLE THING is another "SQUIRREL" setup!
Nah....the Dims would NEVER do that to cover the fact that King Putt's poll numbers are tanking and he can't spend more than 10 minutes off of a freaking golf course...could it?
GEE...I wonder if the WHOLE THING is another "SQUIRREL" setup!
Nah....the Dims would NEVER do that to cover the fact that King Putt's poll numbers are tanking and he can't spend more than 10 minutes off of a freaking golf course...could it?
Monday, August 18, 2014
Tell me again how "smart" journalism majors are?
Words cannot describe how much of an idiot this guy is.........and the LIV's LISTEN TO THESE PEOPLE!!
Pop Quiz - who said it?
1. “We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society.”
2. "Society's needs come before the individual's needs."
1. Hillary
2. Hitler
2. "Society's needs come before the individual's needs."
1. Hillary
2. Hitler
Thursday, August 14, 2014
The "public disturbances" in Missouri
I'm not going to comment on all the crime going on "as a protest" to a "unarmed black man". That's been said.
Here is my question:
What if the cop is black? (the Police force of the town DOES HAVE them)
What's King Putt going to say 'bout that?
Update: 18 Aug 2014.
Ok...I will admit it was a long the officer is white (It was a 3 in 53 shot)
Here's what i find interesting (and that the storyline is falling apart):
"he was shot in the back"
"he was surrendering with his hands in the air"
1. The entry wounds (all of them) are in the front of his that won't fly.
2. The entry wounds on his arms indicate the hands were DOWN, not that won't fly.
3. There are A DOZEN witnesses whose testimony MATCHES the cop. I guess Mr. Brown's "friend" didn't EXACTLY TELL THE TRUTH now, did he?
Here is my question:
What if the cop is black? (the Police force of the town DOES HAVE them)
What's King Putt going to say 'bout that?
Update: 18 Aug 2014.
Ok...I will admit it was a long the officer is white (It was a 3 in 53 shot)
Here's what i find interesting (and that the storyline is falling apart):
"he was shot in the back"
"he was surrendering with his hands in the air"
1. The entry wounds (all of them) are in the front of his that won't fly.
2. The entry wounds on his arms indicate the hands were DOWN, not that won't fly.
3. There are A DOZEN witnesses whose testimony MATCHES the cop. I guess Mr. Brown's "friend" didn't EXACTLY TELL THE TRUTH now, did he?
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Back away citizen....I don't care IF I DON'T KNOW a damn thing about guns, I say you can't have it!!!
What a freaking buffoon this judge is!!
In the strange, twisted, demented, and idiotic mind of Judge Blake (I assume she's a Dimocrat)
AR-15's are "dangerouser" than M-16 (only an idiot with NO knowledge of the difference would make this claim)
"weapons are used disproportionately to their ownership" and are "uncommon as crime weapons"....well...yeah....AR platform owners DON'T COMMIT THE CRIMES!!!!! This is the REASON why they are the number 1 (most popular) weapon platform in these United States of America.
Cops want them as PDW's because they work at deterring crime, but the great unwashed can't have them because they work at dettering crime. INCONCEIVABLE!
She accepts the data from MOTHER JONES Magazine and VPC? Really? Their data is NEVER BIASED in any way (not a smidgen of it)
in her logic (and purple skied world), the AR being used by goblins against Po Po is effective, but the same AR being used by the citizen against the goblin is INeffective"? why is Maryland called the "free state" again?
Here's a SHOCK.........she's a Clinton appointee (I NEVER would have guessed that!!)
In the strange, twisted, demented, and idiotic mind of Judge Blake (I assume she's a Dimocrat)
AR-15's are "dangerouser" than M-16 (only an idiot with NO knowledge of the difference would make this claim)
"weapons are used disproportionately to their ownership" and are "uncommon as crime weapons"....well...yeah....AR platform owners DON'T COMMIT THE CRIMES!!!!! This is the REASON why they are the number 1 (most popular) weapon platform in these United States of America.
Cops want them as PDW's because they work at deterring crime, but the great unwashed can't have them because they work at dettering crime. INCONCEIVABLE!
She accepts the data from MOTHER JONES Magazine and VPC? Really? Their data is NEVER BIASED in any way (not a smidgen of it)
in her logic (and purple skied world), the AR being used by goblins against Po Po is effective, but the same AR being used by the citizen against the goblin is INeffective"? why is Maryland called the "free state" again?
Here's a SHOCK.........she's a Clinton appointee (I NEVER would have guessed that!!)
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Racist H8R !!!
"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."
-- Theodore Roosevelt, 1907
"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."
-- Theodore Roosevelt, 1907
Remind you of any"one"?, part 2
Sociopaths are great orators. They usually use poetic language and are able to carry on long monologues or stories that are hypnotic and capture the attention of those around them.
Sociopaths have delusions of grandeur, and oftentimes feel overly entitled to certain positions, people, and things. They believe that their own beliefs and opinions are the absolute authority, and disregard the opinions of others.
Sociopaths are rarely shy, insecure, or at a loss for words. They have trouble suppressing emotional responses like anger, impatience, or annoyance, and constantly lash out at others and respond hastily to these emotions.
Sociopaths are professional liars. They fabricate stories and make outlandish, untruthful statements, but are able to make these lies sound convincing with their confidence and assertiveness.
Sociopaths are incapable of experiencing guilt or shame for their actions. They rarely apologize for their behavior, and are unaware of the emotional, physical, and financial repercussions of their actions. As a result, they betray, threaten, and harm those around them without feeling any type of remorse.
Sociopaths are manipulative. They constantly try to influence and dominate the people around them, and tend to seek positions of leadership.
Sociopaths are incapable of experiencing love, and likely will not have had healthy romantic relationships in the past. They are only concerned with their own interests, and use compassion as a tool to manipulate others, but are not genuinely compassionate.
Sociopaths often respond to accusations regarding their behavior with threats, attacks, and excuses.
Sociopaths have delusions of grandeur, and oftentimes feel overly entitled to certain positions, people, and things. They believe that their own beliefs and opinions are the absolute authority, and disregard the opinions of others.
Sociopaths are rarely shy, insecure, or at a loss for words. They have trouble suppressing emotional responses like anger, impatience, or annoyance, and constantly lash out at others and respond hastily to these emotions.
Sociopaths are professional liars. They fabricate stories and make outlandish, untruthful statements, but are able to make these lies sound convincing with their confidence and assertiveness.
Sociopaths are incapable of experiencing guilt or shame for their actions. They rarely apologize for their behavior, and are unaware of the emotional, physical, and financial repercussions of their actions. As a result, they betray, threaten, and harm those around them without feeling any type of remorse.
Sociopaths are manipulative. They constantly try to influence and dominate the people around them, and tend to seek positions of leadership.
Sociopaths are incapable of experiencing love, and likely will not have had healthy romantic relationships in the past. They are only concerned with their own interests, and use compassion as a tool to manipulate others, but are not genuinely compassionate.
Sociopaths often respond to accusations regarding their behavior with threats, attacks, and excuses.
Duty to protect
Interesting article,
PoPo tells victim to put down his stick (the stick is ARMS, as in keep and bear).
Victim complies
Perp whacks Victim in the head with a metal baseball bat....Victim dies.
Dad of Victim is now suing Police for failure to protect (which he SHOULD WIN)
So, let's take this a step further.
Since the PoPo did not allow decedant to keep and bear arms (KABA), this now means that anytime someone is not allowed to KABA, the party responsible for this now has a duty to protect.....hmmmm
Now....about those Gun-Free-Zones.......
and also,
since the Perp used a metal bat, does that mean that now we must have universal background checks, waiting periods, liability insurance, a one-bat-per-month purchase, registration, bat safety course, and a ban on "assault bats" (defined: bats with black rubber grips), and ownership of metal bats based on NEEDS? So if we don't belong to a baseball or softball league, we are PROHIBITED from owning metal bats?....or do we only get to use bats if we are part of the National Guard?
PoPo tells victim to put down his stick (the stick is ARMS, as in keep and bear).
Victim complies
Perp whacks Victim in the head with a metal baseball bat....Victim dies.
Dad of Victim is now suing Police for failure to protect (which he SHOULD WIN)
So, let's take this a step further.
Since the PoPo did not allow decedant to keep and bear arms (KABA), this now means that anytime someone is not allowed to KABA, the party responsible for this now has a duty to protect.....hmmmm
Now....about those Gun-Free-Zones.......
and also,
since the Perp used a metal bat, does that mean that now we must have universal background checks, waiting periods, liability insurance, a one-bat-per-month purchase, registration, bat safety course, and a ban on "assault bats" (defined: bats with black rubber grips), and ownership of metal bats based on NEEDS? So if we don't belong to a baseball or softball league, we are PROHIBITED from owning metal bats?....or do we only get to use bats if we are part of the National Guard?
The value of a citizen
To a liberal, your value as a human is only that which can be extracted from you (in taxes, fees, labor, etc) to provide to the programs of the liberal's choosing.
- Me
- Me
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Remind you of anyone?....anyone?....any"one"?
Narcissists show an all-pervasive pattern of self-importance (grandiosity) and see themselves as perfect.
Narcissists believe they are successful and brilliant in all their ventures.
Narcissists routinely exaggerate and embellish their own accomplishments and have no problem lying to do so.
Narcissists believe that they are unique and special and "normal" rules of behavior do not apply to them.
Narcissists always feel superior and sometimes omnipotent, omniscient and invincible.
Narcissists believe they have godlike power to transform anyone and/or force anyone to do their bidding.
Narcissists behave arrogantly and haughtily and are used to getting their way.
Narcissists believe that they are immune from any negative consequences of their actions and are "above the law".
Narcissists are skillful manipulators and deceptive liars and can be very convincing.
Narcissists can be very charismatic and charming when seeking to get their way.
Narcissists can be articulate and eloquent in some field of study but often fake their credentials and true abilities.
Narcissists are exploitative and see others as merely props to achieve their own ends to be discarded when no longer useful.
Narcissists lack empathy and have difficulty identifying with other people's feelings, needs, wants and desires.
Narcissists require excessive admiration, adulation, attention and affirmation of their own perceived brilliance.
Narcissists demand to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements, awards, degrees, etc.
Narcissists feel entitled to special and favorable treatment, priority, honors, awards, etc.
Narcissists are adept at avoiding accountability and will dodge, divert, lie, bluff or threaten when confronted or questioned.
Narcissists will pit people against each other when advantageous to them and are verbally skillful at twisting words and actions.
Narcissists are controlling and will mercilessly abuse the power of their position, using treachery or terrorism to rule or govern.
Narcissists always blame others for their failures and are masters at projecting their shortcomings, faults and failures onto others.
Narcissists are constantly envious of others and seek to hurt or destroy the objects of his or her frustration.
Narcissists can suffer from delusions of persecution (paranoia) and set into motion preemptive attacks on their imagined enemies.
Narcissists can fly into a rage when frustrated, contradicted, or confronted by people they consider inferior to to them.
Narcissists believe they are successful and brilliant in all their ventures.
Narcissists routinely exaggerate and embellish their own accomplishments and have no problem lying to do so.
Narcissists believe that they are unique and special and "normal" rules of behavior do not apply to them.
Narcissists always feel superior and sometimes omnipotent, omniscient and invincible.
Narcissists believe they have godlike power to transform anyone and/or force anyone to do their bidding.
Narcissists behave arrogantly and haughtily and are used to getting their way.
Narcissists believe that they are immune from any negative consequences of their actions and are "above the law".
Narcissists are skillful manipulators and deceptive liars and can be very convincing.
Narcissists can be very charismatic and charming when seeking to get their way.
Narcissists can be articulate and eloquent in some field of study but often fake their credentials and true abilities.
Narcissists are exploitative and see others as merely props to achieve their own ends to be discarded when no longer useful.
Narcissists lack empathy and have difficulty identifying with other people's feelings, needs, wants and desires.
Narcissists require excessive admiration, adulation, attention and affirmation of their own perceived brilliance.
Narcissists demand to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements, awards, degrees, etc.
Narcissists feel entitled to special and favorable treatment, priority, honors, awards, etc.
Narcissists are adept at avoiding accountability and will dodge, divert, lie, bluff or threaten when confronted or questioned.
Narcissists will pit people against each other when advantageous to them and are verbally skillful at twisting words and actions.
Narcissists are controlling and will mercilessly abuse the power of their position, using treachery or terrorism to rule or govern.
Narcissists always blame others for their failures and are masters at projecting their shortcomings, faults and failures onto others.
Narcissists are constantly envious of others and seek to hurt or destroy the objects of his or her frustration.
Narcissists can suffer from delusions of persecution (paranoia) and set into motion preemptive attacks on their imagined enemies.
Narcissists can fly into a rage when frustrated, contradicted, or confronted by people they consider inferior to to them.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Fundamental Transformation
Not a gun post. But the "Really?" post
IRS has missing emails.....yeah...right!.....anyone in IT believe that?....didn't think so.
Now the HHS is claiming that THEY are missing emails too? OK this is starting to look bad. the Medicare folks have lost their emails too? Isn't that funny, anytime someone (read IG) wants to look at ANYTHING, it "unexpectedly" dissapears?
Here's a shock.....the EPA has lost emails!
another shock.....the freaking PEACE CORPS (or is it CORPSE) has lost their emails!
Anyone else see a problem here?
It seems that King Putt's administration ain't exactly "transparent".
IRS has missing emails.....yeah...right!.....anyone in IT believe that?....didn't think so.
Now the HHS is claiming that THEY are missing emails too? OK this is starting to look bad. the Medicare folks have lost their emails too? Isn't that funny, anytime someone (read IG) wants to look at ANYTHING, it "unexpectedly" dissapears?
Here's a shock.....the EPA has lost emails!
another shock.....the freaking PEACE CORPS (or is it CORPSE) has lost their emails!
Anyone else see a problem here?
It seems that King Putt's administration ain't exactly "transparent".
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Liberal (Socialist/Communist/Progressive) View
The Liberal point of view is actual quite simple (explains their simpleton believe of the world)
1. If you have it, i want it
2. If you do it, I want to control it
3. If I don't get my way, I'll call you a racist/terrorist/bigot, drive your livelihood into the ground and take everything you hold dear from you, and laugh while I do it.
so easy a caveman can do it........or a community organizer
1. If you have it, i want it
2. If you do it, I want to control it
3. If I don't get my way, I'll call you a racist/terrorist/bigot, drive your livelihood into the ground and take everything you hold dear from you, and laugh while I do it.
so easy a caveman can do it........or a community organizer
Saturday, August 2, 2014
In a news conference Deanna Favre announced she will be the starting QB for the Packers next season. Deanna asserts that she is qualified to be the starting QB because she has spent the past 16 years married to Brett while he played QB for the Packers.
During this period of time, she became familiar with the definition of a corner blitz, the nickel package, and man-to-man coverage, so she is now completely comfortable with all the other terminology involving the Packers offense.
A survey of Packers fans shows that 50% of those polled supported the move.
Does this sounds idiotic and unbelievable or familiar to you?
Hillary Clinton makes the same claims as to why she is qualified to be President and 50% of Democrats polled agreed.
She has never run a City, County, or State during her "career" of being Bill Clinton's wife. When told Hillary Clinton has experience because she has 8 years in the white house, my immediate thought was "So has the pastry chef".
h/t blue
During this period of time, she became familiar with the definition of a corner blitz, the nickel package, and man-to-man coverage, so she is now completely comfortable with all the other terminology involving the Packers offense.
A survey of Packers fans shows that 50% of those polled supported the move.
Does this sounds idiotic and unbelievable or familiar to you?
Hillary Clinton makes the same claims as to why she is qualified to be President and 50% of Democrats polled agreed.
She has never run a City, County, or State during her "career" of being Bill Clinton's wife. When told Hillary Clinton has experience because she has 8 years in the white house, my immediate thought was "So has the pastry chef".
h/t blue
Friday, August 1, 2014
Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."
-- Thomas Jefferson
-- Thomas Jefferson
Commonality - how the media manipulate the LIV
Tell me the common streak between these people
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (Columbine)
Jared Loughner (Arizona, Gabby Giffords Shooter)
James Holmes (Aurora Batman Shooting)
Christopher Dorner (LA "manifesto" shooter)
Aaron Alexis (DC Navy Yard)
Jerad and Amanda Miller (Las Vegas Cop shooters)
.........besides the fact that they were NOT members of the NRA
In every single instance, the LSM reported over and over and over again that every one of these were "right wingers". In reality, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM WAS A LEFTY.......WAAAAAAAYYYY LEFTY.
Once it was "discovered" that they were, in fact, not "right wingers", the story "suddenly" got in......chirp chirp chirp chirp (Crickets).
NO "OOPSY..we messed up"
NO "corrections to our previous story"
so what do you think the LIV "remembers"?
oh yeah, they were all part of the "right wing"
....see how this works?
and the LSM wonders "why don't they trust us?"
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (Columbine)
Jared Loughner (Arizona, Gabby Giffords Shooter)
James Holmes (Aurora Batman Shooting)
Christopher Dorner (LA "manifesto" shooter)
Aaron Alexis (DC Navy Yard)
Jerad and Amanda Miller (Las Vegas Cop shooters)
.........besides the fact that they were NOT members of the NRA
In every single instance, the LSM reported over and over and over again that every one of these were "right wingers". In reality, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM WAS A LEFTY.......WAAAAAAAYYYY LEFTY.
Once it was "discovered" that they were, in fact, not "right wingers", the story "suddenly" got in......chirp chirp chirp chirp (Crickets).
NO "OOPSY..we messed up"
NO "corrections to our previous story"
so what do you think the LIV "remembers"?
oh yeah, they were all part of the "right wing"
....see how this works?
and the LSM wonders "why don't they trust us?"
![]() |
h/t to blue for the pic |
See a similarity?
"I have a pen and I have a phone"
"So it shall be written, so it shall be done"
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