Friday, August 29, 2014


"No one needs a gun" is an all too common spouting of an idiot who "feels" rather than thinks.  In other words, the Hoplo is confusing needs with rights. (confusion seems to come rather easily to them)

The argument ALWAYS seems to be framed around how a TOOL kills people, not the person using the tool.

Ummmmm....sorry, tools are inanimate objects, and fear of an inanimate object usually means that the fear is 1. irrational   and  2. indicative of a mental stability issue.   If you want to remove all those TOOLS that are used to kill people, you are going to have a substantial list.  Cars, trucks, motorcycles, knives, hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches, rope, metal pipes (Clue anyone?), bats, pool-sticks, pools, bathtubs, razors, stairs, ladders.....need I continue?

And yet, the Hoplos mind says that we should "just BAN them".
That ALWAYS works......... right?
Ban alcohol consumption...that will work.
Ban the use of illicit drugs.....that will work.
Ban criminals from committing gun crime by banning them from having guns.....that will work.
Banning ALWAYS works the way the Dhims intend.....right?

Let's wrap our heads around this mindset.  What happens IF King Putt decides that he wants to BAN gun ownership AND the people follow along (let's just pretend that we will...because the reality is when Governments ban guns, something bad usually happens soon after that).  Who is going to comply with this new "law"?   The "law" abiding people....right.  Ok, then....who is left with the guns?   Oh....yeah...right.....those individuals that don't obey the law now.....the criminals!

I always chuckle when there is a story about a Hoplo getting mugged or robbed....and the first thing they do is wonder WHY there is no one there to stop the Goblin.....this is usually in a "gun free zone".....well...they could have called 911 and told the nice Goblin to wait for the PoPo to show up....but that never seems to happen (imagine that).   Usually that "traumatic personal event" wakes them up from their Unicorn world and realize that the PoPo rarely are around when you need them.  They usually start coming into the real know...where WE ARE.

Tell me this Mr Hoplo....England BANNED guns......In what DIRECTION are their crime rates (with guns) going since all of the "law abiding citizens" can't have guns?  Hmmmmmm?

There is virtually no crime in Sweden or Switzerland, but they don't have Gun Control is that possible?  oh yeah.......the citizens ARE ALL ARMED!!!

Why is it that Goblins never rob a Gun store, or try to commit crime at a Gun Show....or even try to rob a PoPo?....hmmm.....what could be the reason POSSIBLY BE?

 But still, it's sooooo nice to know that all of these "smart people" know sooooo much about what my NEEDS are.  Since they ARE so smart, let's crank up this "needs" definition.  Let's play their game shall we?

No one NEEDS:

A brand new 2015 super duper 5000 horse candy red muscle car, a SMART will suffice to get you from A to B.

A $3000 dollar Rolex watch.  A $10 digital watch from Walmart will tell you the time just fine.

The latest iPhone26 (or whatever). you can communicate using a government approved, GPS trackable smartphone that saves copies of everything you say, do, search, or type in it.  That way, the government can "ensure" your safety at all times.

1157 cable TV channels with the sports center premium everything package.  You can live with 4 "government approved" channels.

A X-box or Playstation 300.  A deck of cards will do.

A 63 inch widescreen High definition Television.  You can get by with an old B/w TV to watch those 4 "government approved" channels.

A swimming pool or Jacuzzi in the backyard.  Besides, they should really be banned
"for the children's safety".

A house larger than 500 square feet.  WHY would you NEED anything larger that a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and a "common" space.

to have access to any drugs.  Why would you want to put your mind into an altered state?  That wouldn't be a productive use of your time, would it, Comrade?

caviar, kobe beef, sea urchin, dry aged beef, filet mignon, or any other high end food.  You can get adequate calories from just hamburger, plain chicken, rice, and potatoes every day so that you may produce work for the common good.

and since they are sooooo confused over the difference between needs and rights:

to make decisions on whether the have children or not.  I mean, the government would NEVER interfere with someone's reproductive "needs".

Free speech.  Because the government would NEVER stop it's great unwashed from speaking their mind.  It's not like you would have to have a license to speak in that sort of world.

to choose their own religious beliefs.  After all, we all now worship the Almighty and powerful King Putt, and his church of Gimme-freestuff-because-I-am-entitled!

to assemble with others of the same beliefs as them and address their grievances to the almighty and powerful King Putt.

to not incriminate themselves, after all, our society is now guilty until proven innocent, right?