Sunday, August 10, 2014

Remind you of anyone?....anyone?....any"one"?

Narcissists show an all-pervasive pattern of self-importance (grandiosity) and see themselves as perfect.
Narcissists believe they are successful and brilliant in all their ventures.
Narcissists routinely exaggerate and embellish their own accomplishments and have no problem lying to do so.
Narcissists believe that they are unique and special and "normal" rules of behavior do not apply to them.
Narcissists always feel superior and sometimes omnipotent, omniscient and invincible.
Narcissists believe they have godlike power to transform anyone and/or force anyone to do their bidding.
Narcissists behave arrogantly and haughtily and are used to getting their way.
Narcissists believe that they are immune from any negative consequences of their actions and are "above the law".
Narcissists are skillful manipulators and deceptive liars and can be very convincing.
Narcissists can be very charismatic and charming when seeking to get their way.
Narcissists can be articulate and eloquent in some field of study but often fake their credentials and true abilities.
Narcissists are exploitative and see others as merely props to achieve their own ends to be discarded when no longer useful.
Narcissists lack empathy and have difficulty identifying with other people's feelings, needs, wants and desires.
Narcissists require excessive admiration, adulation, attention and affirmation of their own perceived brilliance.
Narcissists demand to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements, awards, degrees, etc.
Narcissists feel entitled to special and favorable treatment, priority, honors, awards, etc.
Narcissists are adept at avoiding accountability and will dodge, divert, lie, bluff or threaten when confronted or questioned.
Narcissists will pit people against each other when advantageous to them and are verbally skillful at twisting words and actions.
Narcissists are controlling and will mercilessly abuse the power of their position, using treachery or terrorism to rule or govern.
Narcissists always blame others for their failures and are masters at projecting their shortcomings, faults and failures onto others.
Narcissists are constantly envious of others and seek to hurt or destroy the objects of his or her frustration.
Narcissists can suffer from delusions of persecution (paranoia) and set into motion preemptive attacks on their imagined enemies.
Narcissists can fly into a rage when frustrated, contradicted, or confronted by people they consider inferior to to them.