Thursday, August 14, 2014

The "public disturbances" in Missouri

I'm not going to comment on all the crime going on "as a protest" to a "unarmed black man".  That's been said.

Here is my question:

What if the cop is black?  (the Police force of the town DOES HAVE them)

What's King Putt going to say 'bout that?

Update: 18 Aug 2014.

Ok...I will admit it was a long the officer is white (It was a 3 in 53 shot)

Here's what i find interesting (and that the storyline is falling apart):

"he was shot in the back"
"he was surrendering with his hands in the air"


1.  The entry wounds (all of them) are in the front of his that won't fly.
2.  The entry wounds on his arms indicate the hands were DOWN, not that won't fly.
3.  There are A DOZEN witnesses whose testimony MATCHES the cop.  I guess Mr. Brown's "friend" didn't EXACTLY TELL THE TRUTH now, did he?