Saturday, July 4, 2015


The same people who told us 30 years ago that “marriage is just a stupid piece of paper” now insist that it’s a “human right.”

The same people who told us that “a flag is just a meaningless piece of material” now want certain flags banned and others raised — or else.

The same people who say you can’t change who you want to f*ck tell us you CAN change the bits you f*ck them with.

The same people who said “Hey, if you don’t like it, change the channel” now run and try to ban Ann Coulter et al from campuses.

The same people who used to tell us to “lighten up” and “learn to take a joke” now fire people who make them.

LITERALLY the same people.

If we’re “crazy,” they made us that way.

lifted from FFoF