Friday, July 24, 2015

Louisiana, July 23rd

So....without going into a lot of "unexpecteds" is my Carnac on what's going to come out of the media.

Shooter was a white guy
Shooter was from "the south" with airfingers.....of course
Shooter was a "conservative"....since his TWO internet postings from 2013 sez so.
Shooter was a christian....see the TWO comment above


the media will unequivocally say that "the reason" why he,... AND EVERY OTHER SOUTHERN CHRSITIAN WHO OWNS A GUN....did this is BECAUSE he was "a southern conservative" with airfingers of course.

.....anyone wanna bet?


isn't it interesting that the LSM:

STILL doesn't know WHY Aziz shot up the recruiting station in Chata-noo-gee

STILL doesn't know WHY the two cops were assassinated in their car in NYC

STILL doesn't know WHY the Tsarnev brothers "did what they did" in bahhston

STILL doesn't know WHY Nidal Hasan shot up Fort Hood

STILL doesn't know WHY the dude in Ohhhh-kla-homa cut off the head of a co worker.

but....they know, before the blood is even dry enough for them to dance on,


isn't that A-MAY-ZING?

oh....and "surprise surprise surprise" was in a "GUN FREE ZONE".....imagine that?

UPDATE: July 24th at 550p out on the shooter on Gatewaypundit that I find "interesting"

He's not from LA...but from Phenix City Ala-bamy

He's a registered Dhim and an OBAMA SUPPORTER who supposedly worked on the 2008 AND 2012 campaigns for OFA, and supposedly, was working for the Clinton Campaign (Whoops....that means this story will quickly die away...nothing to see here citizen.....move along)

He FAILED a Background Check for the weapon and had mental issues...which means the gun was "Illegal".....again.....nothing to see here citizen.....move along.

He had a MANIFESTO....i guess that means he wasn't a Tea Partier, either......nothing to see here citizen, move along.

UPDATE: July's the latest in the LSM on this?


Nothing about him being a Conservative/Southern Redneck.......hmmm!!

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!