Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Great Leader

The Great Leader (TGL) rises to power above the fray, appearing to be the champion of the masses by manipulating the emotions of the less-educated populus.  TGL is viewed as having superior intelect because of the ability to speak well in public.

TGL increases his power by exploiting the racial guilt of the masses.

TGL creates a strawman/scapegoat as the reason why he must be all powerful, so that he may control that same strawman/scapegoat.

This rise of power creates turmoil in the masses, which further drives TGL to demand MORE POWER to control the masses.

The legislative branch of government caves to TGL and hands the power of the legislative to the executive with no arguement.

TGL slowly has created a regime of totalitarian power, where those that disagree with TGL must be punished and FORCED to comply with the party line, else they be destroyed financially and publically ridiculed.

Gee.........which TGL am I talking about?

If you said "could" be correct.

But I was describing the administrations of history that KPTB seems to want to emulate

and of course,

Isn't it funny how the first administration you thought of was the current one, and yet, I was talking about one of the others?

It's almost as if World History is no longer taught to the Sheeple of American and they can't see what is happening.

.........nah,,,,,it couldn't be that.